What Is The Weight Gain At 12 Weeks Gestation

What Is The Weight Gain At 12 Weeks Gestation
What Is The Weight Gain At 12 Weeks Gestation

Your child has an anniversary, the baby has been living in your tummy for 12 weeks. All its main organs have already formed and have begun to work actively. You continue to enjoy your pregnancy, looking forward to the arrival of the baby.

What is the weight gain at 12 weeks gestation
What is the weight gain at 12 weeks gestation

Weight gain at 12 weeks

From week 12 of pregnancy, your weight will increase by 500 grams every seven days. Pregnant women who feel well gain about 1, 8-3, 6 kilograms up to this point. If you have had toxicosis, you may have even lost weight up to this point.

It's time to monitor your diet even more closely. Remember, you cannot overeat. Nutritionists recommend eating more fruits, dried fruits, seafood and vegetables, forgetting about junk food, and replenishing the body with iodine and calcium. The risk of constipation increases. Drink fresh compotes and try to exercise. Limit yourself to salty foods, otherwise your body will swell. Replace confectionery with dates or a little honey. Balance your diet so that you and your baby get enough vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Eat only natural products, then you will not have excessive weight gain.

When buying products, carefully study their packaging. They should not only be natural, but also fresh.

12 weeks pregnant: fetus

The fingers on the arms and legs of your baby have already separated from each other. Nails begin to grow, a skin pattern - "fingerprint" appears on the fingertips. Fluffy hairs appear on the site of the eyelashes, eyebrows, above the upper lip and on the chin.

All organs continue to develop, the intestines are already in the right place and periodically contract. The thyroid gland and pituitary gland produce iodine and hormones. White blood cells appear in the blood, the liver produces bile. Bone tissue continues to mature, muscles are strengthened.

Your baby weighs about 14 grams and is 6-9 centimeters long from tailbone to crown. He is constantly in motion: sucking a finger, tumbling, moving his legs and arms.

You cannot yet feel the movement of the baby, as it is still very small.

Feeling at 12 weeks

Bad symptoms of toxicosis pass, with them emotional instability, tearfulness and irritability become a thing of the past. If you are expecting twins, toxicosis will torment you for some time.

You have less toilet use than in the first weeks of pregnancy, as the uterus is already slightly higher and no longer exerts pressure on the bladder. The breast is enlarged. Your body is preparing for lactation, so you may experience a slight itch on the surface of your breasts.

The amount of amniotic fluid is 50 milliliters, the uterus enlarges and fills the abdominal cavity. At 12 weeks pregnant, you can even feel it with your fingers. By the time of childbirth, the uterus will hold up to 5-10 liters, and its weight after childbirth will exceed 1 kilogram.
