Why Do Pregnant Women Experience Mood Swings?

Why Do Pregnant Women Experience Mood Swings?
Why Do Pregnant Women Experience Mood Swings?

It's no secret that a pregnant woman's mood changes quickly and it is not always good. Someone has such mood swings imperceptibly, while someone is so off scale that at least run from home to relatives. What is the reason for the bad mood in pregnant women?

Why do pregnant women experience mood swings?
Why do pregnant women experience mood swings?

Not every woman is planning a pregnancy, which means that not every woman is consciously ready for motherhood. From here, worries arise whether she can become a good mother, whether she will cope with her duties. Pregnancy is a big change in life, and not everyone is ready for them.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, a condition such as toxicosis of pregnant women occurs, nausea appears, sometimes vomiting, well, what a good mood there can be. And here the husband and close relatives have to endure all the whims, steadfastly fulfill many different wishes. At this moment, the main thing is to support the pregnant woman, to be caring and attentive with her, to understand that this is temporary and will pass as soon as the baby is born.

In the second trimester, toxicosis recedes, the woman begins to get used to the fact that she will soon become a mother, and her mood improves. Closer to childbirth, there may again be mood swings, here they arise due to worries about your child, fear of the upcoming birth.

Physical discomfort also arises, in the last month it is already difficult to do the usual work, in addition, the uterus increases, presses on all organs, the gait changes, the lower back begins to ache, the legs swell, plus the child pushes, sometimes causing painful sensations.

All this in general, naturally, can cause a deterioration in mood. At this moment, the mother herself does not need to get hung up on all this, but it is better to extract the positive moments in her pregnancy.
