A newly-made mom is often worried about whether pregnancy can occur if menstruation has not yet arrived. It is believed that when you are breastfeeding, it is simply impossible to get pregnant. At the same time, many instructions for contraceptives say that they are allowed while breastfeeding.

There is a likelihood of getting pregnant immediately after childbirth, this can be judged by the families in which the weather grows.
How long does it take to get pregnant again?
Every woman's body is unique. Gynecologists say that pregnancy can occur within a few weeks after giving birth. And in this matter you need to be aware. If newly minted parents return to intimate life, it is necessary to return to contraception.
If you nevertheless decided not to delay and give birth to a campaign for your baby, you should understand that the body must recover after childbirth. It should be borne in mind that after childbirth, chronic diseases are often exacerbated, which lead to pathology, to termination of pregnancy.
Doctors consider an interval of 2-3 years to be ideal, mandatory at least 6 to 8 months.
It is also wrong to believe that after a cesarean pregnancy, a second pregnancy may occur later. But pregnancy can also occur soon after cesarean, which is physiologically extremely dangerous.
Be sure to consult a doctor after childbirth in order to exclude exacerbation or the appearance of diseases, complications. The doctor will advise on contraceptive methods and help plan your next pregnancy.
Lactation. Is it a method of contraception?
Lactational amenorrhea is a method of contraception when there are no periods while breastfeeding. Indeed, when breastfeeding, a hormone is produced - prolactin, which blocks the work of the ovaries. In the literature, you can find advice that in order to prevent pregnancy, it is necessary to give breast on demand, in other sources even periods of time are indicated at which the onset of menstruation and pregnancy does not occur.
But, as described above, each organism is individual. Breastfeeding is not a panacea for pregnancy. For many women who follow hourly feeding rules, menstruation may occur as early as 1, 5 months. Often ovulation occurs before the onset of menstruation, and pregnancy occurs imperceptibly. A woman perceives the absence of a menstrual cycle as a postpartum norm and notices her pregnancy already at a later date.
Be sure to consult a gynecologist forty days after giving birth. The doctor will conduct a full examination and select contraceptives for you in accordance with your contraindications and safety for the baby you are feeding.
If sexual activity is resumed, but a new pregnancy is not planned, you should not rely on signs and someone's successful experience. There are effective methods of contraception that are approved during lactation.