On What Day After Menstruation Is Conception Possible?

On What Day After Menstruation Is Conception Possible?
On What Day After Menstruation Is Conception Possible?

A woman can conceive a child within a few days after ovulation - the maturation and release of the egg. It seems that conceiving is very simple: you just need to have sex at this time. But in reality, things are usually much more complicated.

On what day after menstruation is conception possible?
On what day after menstruation is conception possible?

What is needed to determine the time for conception

To find out when you can conceive a baby, you will have to analyze your menstrual cycle for a long time, it is better to take a period of at least 6-12 months. And remember that you will not be able to calculate everything correctly if you took contraceptives or other hormonal medications during this period. "Clean", suitable for calculations, is the time when such means did not affect the body.

If your cycle is not very regular, then you can only determine the probability, but the calculated days will be very inaccurate. Try using additional tools to identify favorable days. Ideally, a fairly accurate calculation can be made if the deviations in your cycle did not exceed one or, at most, two days.

How to make calculations

See which cycle was the longest and which was the shortest during the period under consideration. Now subtract 18 from the short term. You will get the number from which conception becomes possible. Then subtract 11 from the longest period. This is the day after which it seems unlikely to conceive.

For example, if your cycle ranged from 28 to 32 days, then you will get the numbers 10 and 21. It turns out that you can get pregnant between 10 and 21 days. It should be recalled that the first day of the cycle is the day of the onset of menstruation.

Is conception possible during an unfavorable period?

However, it is impossible to predict exactly when ovulation will occur. In addition, sperm cells, once in a woman's body, remain active and are able to fertilize an egg for several more days after that.

If we reason logically, then during immediately after menstruation and a few days before them, a woman cannot conceive in any way: if there is no ready egg cell awaiting fertilization in the uterus, then it is impossible to conceive. However, nature may well throw a surprise.

First, a woman has two ovaries, and two eggs can be released in one cycle. If repeated ovulation occurs, then fertilization can occur later than "it should", even before the very menstrual period.

Secondly, if a woman is healthy, but does not have a regular sex life, then the body can react to some substances that are contained in the sperm, and start "unscheduled" ovulation, since such luck has happened. But for women who have sex regularly, this usually does not happen.

In the first days after menstruation and even during menstruation, one cannot be one hundred percent sure of a negative result either. Sperm can live for several days and wait for the release of the egg, which sometimes matures ahead of schedule.
