How To Deal With Swelling During Pregnancy?

How To Deal With Swelling During Pregnancy?
How To Deal With Swelling During Pregnancy?

A woman, in anticipation of a small miracle, faced such an ailment as puffiness. It will not be possible to avoid edema completely, but there are many ways to cope with them.

swelling on the legs
swelling on the legs

During pregnancy, women need to visit a gynecologist regularly. At each appointment, the doctor looks at the legs and arms of the pregnant woman, for swelling. The edema itself is not very scary, but if it is accompanied by other symptoms, it can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby.

Edema is the accumulation of excess fluid in the tissues of the body. During pregnancy, fluid intake increases, and sodium, which is retained in the vessels, stops the excretion of water from the body. First, the face swells, then the fingers (visible when there are rings on the hands) and the legs of women. This is easiest to notice in late pregnancy, but you need to look closely from the early stages. Gaining more than one kilogram per week can be a cause for concern. Numbness in the fingers or toes is also a sign of swelling.

  • Cranberry juice (berries should be boiled with boiling water. You cannot boil water with cranberries on the stove, as all the beneficial properties will disappear). It perfectly removes fluid from the body, and is also rich in vitamins, which is no less significant.
  • Diet. Diet means limiting salty and sweet food, ideally you only need to eat meat for one day, and eat only unsalted food the rest.
  • The position of the legs. The feet should be lifted above the level of the body and lie as long as you can. This exercise will not only reduce swelling, but also revitalize your legs.
  • Traffic. Walk at least 2 hours a day. Don't lie on the couch. Your lower back hurts, but if you don't move, it will hurt even more.
  • Carrot, cucumber, or pumpkin juice. They have a good diuretic effect, and will also be useful for both mothers and baby.
  • Consultation with a doctor. The doctor will tell you how to deal with edema and whether it is worth going to the hospital for their treatment with droppers.

Some women neglect to treat puffiness. But know that by doing this you harm not only yourself, but also the child!
