Consciousness As A Philosophical Concept

Consciousness As A Philosophical Concept
Consciousness As A Philosophical Concept

They tried to define the concept of "consciousness" thousands of years ago. With the development of philosophical teaching, many separate currents and schools appeared that had their own methods in the study of the phenomenon. There is still no clear objective definition of consciousness, its structure.

The border of consciousness
The border of consciousness

The problem of consciousness has been studied and is being studied by various branches of philosophy. If we consider the ontological aspect, then in order to answer the question, you need to know its origin, structure, relationship with the unconscious and self-consciousness. You will also have to clarify the relationship between matter and consciousness. This is a rather complex process that requires objectivity.

Three approaches to studying the concept of "consciousness"

There are three main approaches to the study of consciousness. Each of them has its own positive aspects and disadvantages. Together they can give a more or less clear picture.

Epistemological aspect. In this case, cognitive abilities are studied, thanks to which the individual is able to acquire new knowledge.

Axiological approach. Consciousness is seen as a holistic nature.

Praxeological approach. Aspects of activity are in the foreground. Special attention is paid to the connection of consciousness with human actions.

Definition of the concept of "consciousness" in philosophy

In philosophy, consciousness can be defined as the highest ability of mental reflection of the surrounding reality. Consciousness is unique to man. Consciousness cannot be a dispassionate, emotionless reflection of the inner or outer world. It is necessary to speak about the phenomenon of consciousness as about experience and knowledge at the same time, which occur inside the individual.

There is another definition of consciousness - as a purposeful reflection of the surrounding reality, on the basis of which its behavior is regulated. Human thought took a long time to come to this idea of consciousness. At the same time, for a long time, the unconscious and the conscious were one, not separated. Consciousness has often been equated with intelligence and thinking.

The big problem for the separation of consciousness, its definition is that in each act of consciousness, the uniqueness and originality of a person collapses. Consciousness is expressed in literally every human manifestation. According to Nietzsche, it cannot be separated from life experience. It needs to be studied together with it.

The structure of consciousness

Philosophy considers consciousness as an integral system. However, in each separate philosophical trend, it has a completely different structure. For example, A. Spirkin identifies three main spheres: cognitive, emotional, strong-willed.

But C. G. Jung already identifies four functions of consciousness, which manifest themselves at a conscious and unconscious level: thinking, feelings, sensations, intuition.

Until now, philosophers are trying to give a clear structure of consciousness, but all this is done in one way or another subjectively.
