A manipulative man makes a woman unhappy, even if there is mutual love. How do you recognize it? What signs and features in the behavior of the chosen one should alert? In fact, a manipulative man can be recognized already on the first date by listening carefully to what he says.

In love, a manipulative man is one of the most dangerous types of a partner. Linking your life with him means deliberately condemning yourself to constantly feeling guilty. It is very important to learn to recognize such a man already at the initial stage of a relationship. It is very easy to do this - in a few of his favorite phrases, expressions and in the manner of communication in general.
Who is a Manipulator
Such men pay attention to certain types of women - inexperienced girls, as a rule, young ones, those who have already been "burned" and are in a stressful state after parting with their partner, ladies seeking thrills.
The manipulator will certainly be interested in the recent past of a potential partner when meeting her, will try to find out what upsets her, why she is sad. They meet, as a rule, with those who are lonely, who do not have family and friends within walking distance.

As the relationship with the woman develops, the manipulative man completely subjugates her, often without violence or moral pressure. This happens very quickly, in most cases, the partner does not even notice how she becomes a victim, begins to live only according to the rules of the manipulator, only for him and only him.
The manipulator is a charming man, prudent and helpful at the beginning of a relationship. On the first dates, he looks like a brand, does everything to make his woman feel comfortable and free. He begins to subjugate a woman when he realizes that he has conquered her.
How to recognize a male manipulator
In order not to fall into the "trap" of a man-manipulator, from which it is very difficult to get out of it, you need to listen carefully to what he says and what he means by his own words.
Psychologists have deduced a kind of "formula" consisting of 10 phrases. The following words indicate that there is a manipulator man in front of you:
- Why are you doing this, because I am for you … (he does so much for you, and you answer him with ingratitude).
- Do not invent and do not cheat, like a hysterical one … (you are stupid, you are nervous, “you put your brain out” in vain).
- I thought, and you … (you let me down, I believed in you, you did not live up to expectations).
- If you persecute me, what will happen to me (he will become a homeless person, get sick and die without your attention and love).
- I apologized, why are you ruining everything … (he apologized, and you, not grateful, demand more - to change).
- It was you who prompted me / made me so … (you are insidious, stupid, guilty of his mistakes and failures).
- I thought our relationship was based on trust … (do not ask for an explanation of the deception, be silent, even if you know the truth).
- You can't change me anymore … (you are also unhappy, you had to think right away).
- Do you yourself understand what you are saying? (you are stupid and you should not meddle in those matters in which you do not understand anything).
- All evil comes from women”(you are to blame for everything, and no one else).

These phrases, typical of a manipulative man, "fly out" from his lips with or without reason. He is ready to place the blame on his partner for everything, for example, for having flattened the tire, the weather has changed, he is late somewhere, he does not have any things he needs.
At the initial stage of a relationship, a man-manipulator can express himself with the phrases "I told you," "I had to do as I wanted (advised)." These phrases can be said in a cafe, in a movie, or on a walk.
Why a relationship with a manipulative man is dangerous
There are three types of male manipulators - gigolos, dictators and saints. Each of the types is dangerous in its own way, and most often psychologists recommend running away from such partners, stopping all communication with them, even friendly ones, and stopping meetings.
Alphonses-manipulators choose single ladies, as a rule, with high incomes, childless, that is, those who have not realized their maternal instinct, who have something to share in the material sense. Alphonses, skillfully manipulating their partner, pull money, valuables from her, ask to buy expensive things, and, as a rule, get what they want. The eyes of most women open only when the partner leaves, taking with him everything of value.
Dictators often use physical violence to put pressure on their partner, and then repent, beg for forgiveness, humiliating themselves and complaining about fate - she made him so, everyone around wants him evil, trying to prevent him from realizing what he wants. You can recognize a man-manipulator of this type already on the first date - he is dissatisfied with everything and everyone, be it a cafe or restaurant, a cinema and a ticket collector in it.
The ladies' man does not put pressure on pity, does not beg and does not humiliate. He does not even notice that he is manipulating others. He can order an expensive dinner in a chic restaurant, buy an expensive present for his beloved, and not even think about the fact that he does not have the funds for this. As a result, the woman has to pay.
Avoiding an alliance with a manipulative man is easy. You need to carefully look at the potential chosen one, listen to what he says and how, memorize his favorite phrases, analyze actions.