You can humiliate a man with a few "sharp" phrases concerning his dignity, skills in bed, as well as appearance. However, this should only be done in the most extreme cases.

Self-esteem blow
Quite often, offended women think about how to humiliate a representative of the stronger sex, who broke his heart or did not live up to expectations. This is a kind of defensive reaction that occurs against the background of accumulated negative emotions. For a man, the most "sharp" and painful words will be words that humiliate his sense of dignity. For example, if you tell him that he is a coward, a "rag", a mama's boy, a spineless creature that has no opinion of its own, etc. To bring the conversation to a boiling point, you can touch on the financial side of the issue, reproaching him that he earns little, cannot provide his soul mate, as befits a real man. As a rule, representatives of the stronger sex react very sharply to such statements, even if they do not externally show it.
Talking about male strength and appearance
For a man, there is nothing more humiliating than failure sexually. A loving girl will never remember the awkward moments of intimate life that do not embellish her chosen one. If you tell a man that during intercourse he was far from "up to par", this can not only humiliate him, but also cause the development of an inferiority complex. This will be especially painful if you put it not tête-à-tête, but, for example, in the company of mutual friends. This will be a blow below the belt, so the girl should carefully consider whether the man deserves such a punishment.
Despite the fact that men are not very scrupulous about their appearance, they react quite sharply to compliments addressed to their rivals. For example, for a representative of the stronger sex, the expression of the chosen one that she liked the muscles of the handsome man from the next doorway can become humiliating. Also, men do not tolerate being compared to anyone. For example, for a guy to start gritting his teeth, it is enough for a girl to hint that he is not strong enough, pumped up and courageous, like, for example, some of her acquaintances.
Is it worth humiliating?
In fact, a few well-chosen phrases can humiliate a person. However, often women, who have expressed to the chosen ones everything that has accumulated, do not feel the proper relief. The thing is that the negative that has poured out does not disappear anywhere. He only materializes, making the relationship more tense. A woman who systematically humiliates a man will never get respect, love and affection from him. On the contrary, he will become withdrawn and notorious. If emotions go off scale, it is better to speak out to a friend, and simply ignore the man. Indifference is the most terrible humiliation and punishment for any person.