Sometimes it becomes necessary to humiliate a person who has been asking for it for a long time. In this case, it is rather foolish to resort to obscenities, since this will more likely humiliate you, and not your offender. But there are a lot of adequate ways to undermine the self-esteem of a person unpleasant to you and humiliate him in the eyes of mutual acquaintances.

Moral excellence is imperative
The main rule is always tell the truth. It's hard to listen to the unpleasant truth. Your offender will not be able to argue reasonably, since all your words are true, but you can snap, shout and go into hysterics as much as you like. Mate in this situation will not be half as offensive.
If your abuser is spreading gossip behind the backs of people, share it with your mutual friends, especially if the gossip concerned one of them. Your abuser will be ready to sell his soul in order to disappear from this company.
If the person you want to humiliate is emotional, it is best to humiliate them in public. This will protect you and, moreover, the effect will be colossal.
Take advantage of the hurt and weak points of your abuser. Anyone has unpleasant, painful topics. Lead the conversation to them. If necessary, plan the conversation ahead of time. And if you don't have to go into your pocket for a word, improvise.
A person can almost always be called retarded
List his or her faults. Create a situation in which your abuser cannot get away from you, then bombard him with a list of shortcomings. Focus especially on flaws that interfere with social life, work, and those close to you. Do not invent something that does not exist, speak as objectively as possible, it degrades morally. However, even a hint that a person is lagging behind in development or is mentally disabled can hurt even the most intelligent or quick-witted people.
Sexual abuse is very humiliating. A man can be called impotent, a woman frigid. It is best to wrap such insults in regular conversation. If you have enough experience and intelligence, mask them. Veiled insults, incomprehensible to half of those present, act gradually, causing a lot of pain. Such insults sit in the head for a long time and can ruin personal life for quite a long time.
If you started your company with the intention of humiliating someone, do not slow down halfway. It may look like you were scared or backed down, which means it can do a lot of damage to your reputation.
Ignore the abuser, do not say hello when you meet, pretend that he is not here. Ignoring works for everyone, especially people who consider themselves irresistible and the life of the party. And the more a person is prone to hysteria, the more unpleasant it will be for him to ignore.
Play "silent" with him. Do not respond to his or her remarks at all, do not condescend to respond to insults. Imagine that winning this game is very important to you (and it really is). Such tactics seriously hurt pride.