Humiliation and insults from loved ones, loved ones sound much more often than one might expect. Sometimes hurtful words are heard at such moments when a person is pleased and proud of himself.

When your loved ones humiliate you
Only a few couples in love have managed to avoid negative situations in relationships. Problems can be different, but instead of understanding the reasons for the partner's inappropriate behavior, it happens that a person breaks off the relationship. This decision does not seem surprising when it comes to constant humiliation from loved ones.
To understand the reasons for this behavior will help everyday situations when your significant other insults you.
If you are a woman and are going with your man to a company for the New Years celebration, a party and so on. You spin in front of the mirror trying on a new dress that fits you very well. Turn to your loved one for approval and hear phrases of this type: "For this style, you need to lose another three or four kilos!" or "Just put you in the garden like this, scare the crows!" Naturally, after such "praise" there is no longer any mood to go anywhere.
You have been implementing your project for a very long time and persistently (in any business). Finally, you have achieved the result and want to demonstrate it to a specialist or just tell the whole world about yourself. But when you show your work to your partner, he just shrugs skeptically and throws: "Do you think this nonsense will be interesting to at least someone?" Confidence in one's strengths and capabilities immediately disappears and all enthusiasm evaporates.
There are a huge number of such examples, but those who have experienced humiliation from a loved one immediately recognize their situation.
Why do loved ones humiliate you
The reasons for the abusive behavior of loved ones lie in the situations themselves. You are deliberately belittled at the moment of triumph, delight, joy, because they are corny jealous! And the most important thing at this moment is to understand this simple truth and not to chop off your wings, and not to be offended by the “owner”.
But this is easy to advise, and more often people, having been humiliated, become demoralized and begin to look for the reason in themselves. Don't give in to your partner's mental prompts: "That's right, cry, take off that damn sexy dress and put on something baggy!" or “You don’t need to communicate with new successful people, suddenly you will meet among them a person more worthy of you than me!” If you surrender, there will be no end to humiliation.
There is a way out of this difficult situation. Once again, when you hear a humiliating remark from your partner, tell him something pleasant. For example: “Darling! I try only for you, it is important for me that you appreciate my efforts! " or "I know that you are jealous, but you cannot build strong relationships without mutual trust, so let's behave like reasonable people!"