Sometimes it seems that men and women were born on different planets, so differently they feel, think, perceive the world. However, without mutual understanding, it is impossible to build close relationships. How do you know what's on the mind of the opposite sex?

It is necessary
- - confidence;
- - sincerity;
- - love.
Step 1
Try to hear the person. Oftentimes, two people cannot understand each other just because they don't even try to do it. What one person says does not always correspond to what the other person hears. Remember that a person can put a completely different meaning in their words. Do not hesitate to ask your loved one if you understood the meaning of what was said correctly. This will help build relationships based on mutual understanding.
Step 2
Build trust. In order to understand a person, you need to know him. And this is impossible until the person himself wants to open up to you, entrust his soul. Keep in mind that without deep trust, it is impossible to build a harmonious relationship. In order for a loved one to be able to bare his soul in front of you, he must feel completely safe. Therefore, never betray a dear person: lost trust can be very difficult, if not impossible, to restore.
Step 3
Don't ridicule or criticize the person in moments of sincerity. If a person dear to you has revealed his secret to you, even an impartial one, try to be understanding, or at least restrain your emotions if they can offend the person. Never punish loved ones for their sincerity.
Step 4
Learn to accept a person for who they are. Often, when communicating with a loved one, we attribute to him features, emotions, thoughts that are not inherent in him. In psychology, this phenomenon is usually called projections. So, we can attribute to a person our own feelings or "reward" him with those qualities that we are afraid of, or, on the contrary, that we want to see in a loved one. Understand that in front of you is a completely unique personality, and she may not meet your expectations and ideas about what a member of the opposite sex should be. Try to get to know and accept your loved one for who he really is.
Step 5
Discover the opposite beginning in yourself. In accordance with oriental ideas, there are two opposite forces in the soul of every person - Yin and Yang - masculine and feminine principles. Yes, yes, in the soul of every woman there is a piece of masculine energy, in the soul of every man - feminine. It is interesting that some modern psychological schools are in solidarity with this opinion. So, Carl Gustav Jung, the creator of analytical psychology, argued that in every person there is a masculine and feminine principle, which the scientist called Anima and Animus. At the same time, Jung insisted that for the harmonious development of the personality, a person must get acquainted with the energy of the opposite sex, which is present in his own psyche. This acquaintance will help a person through his own experience to understand and feel the psychic forces corresponding to the opposite sex.