If you like a guy, try to show your best side and achieve his location. Sometimes a girl needs to overcome her natural modesty and be the first to take the initiative. Get him interested by showing all your abilities. Let him know that you are the best of all the other representatives of the fairer sex.

Step 1
Do your best to be with the young man you like in the same company. There you can get his attention and communicate with him. But try to achieve this not explicitly, openly, but gradually, as if by chance. Let him think that the initiative for the acquaintance came from him. This must be foreseen, since men prefer to conquer an inaccessible and proud girl themselves.
Step 2
Prepare for this meeting. Pay attention to clothes, makeup, hair, and manicure. You must understand that the statement that a man loves with his eyes is quite true.
Step 3
Think about the fact that it is possible to achieve the location of a young man only with the help of a spectacular appearance, but in the future you must also demonstrate the beauty of your inner world. So talk to your guy about a variety of topics that interest him. Show your competence in any issue.
Step 4
Be relaxed and sincere. A young person can be alerted and repulsed by the falsity in your behavior.
Step 5
Talk about different things, but don't tell everything about yourself at once. Keep some kind of secret.
Step 6
Be varied. Boredom and regularity will not help you win the guy's favor. Schedule meetings in different places (theater, museum, exhibition, gym, etc.). Let your joint leisure be interesting and unusual.
Step 7
Take an interest in his affairs, interests, but do not go beyond what is permitted. The guy can be put off by your obsession and boring.
Step 8
Ask the young man about his parents and always speak up about them with respect. When you meet them, try to please them. The location of the guy towards you may depend on this in the future.
Step 9
Show your loved one your talents. If you cook well, invite him to your home for a festive dinner. If you are good at singing or playing some musical instrument, perform something gentle and romantic for it.
Step 10
Under no circumstances should you be irritable or harsh, sarcastic about a young person or other people around you.