If you managed to meet and strike up a conversation with a girl, then you need to immediately win her favor. The first moments of acquaintance are the most important, the further development of events depends on them. If you do not make a good impression and do not endear the girl to you, your first meeting may well be the last. Try to please her right away, but for that you need to try a little.

Step 1
First of all - appearance. If you are wearing unkempt clothes, dirty shoes, unwashed hair and black borders under your nails, then you will be much less likely. If you are still in this form, then you should immediately apologize for it and explain the reason for your appearance in it - returning from the dacha, a multi-day hike. Come up with something romantic and courageous. But do not fantasize too much so that you can later turn it into a joke.
Step 2
Never try to impress a girl by impersonating who you really are. Women are subtle psychologists and very observant. Telling her that you are a successful top manager in a well-known company and using a cheap mobile phone, you will be exposed instantly, and loss of trust can be fatal for you.
Step 3
Tell the girl about yourself, your hobbies, who you work for, what you do at work and in your free time. But to get her interested, you really have to be an interesting person. If you tell her that after work you run home to your parents' apartment to play online games all evening, then she is unlikely to be imbued with affection for you, unless she herself is a fan of such a pastime.
Step 4
Do not forget to notice in a conversation that you are not one of those who sticks and gets to know all the girls you like, note her distinctive features that you could not resist and which made an indelible impression on you. Praise her appearance and her dressing skills, but don't overdo it - note the features that do exist. Use your sense of humor, if you manage to make her smile, then this is a sure sign that she already likes you.
Step 5
In the conversation, find out the topics that are most interesting to her and try to stick to them, giving her the opportunity to speak. By listening, at the same time, you will learn more about her and about some of her character traits, you will understand her interests. Using this knowledge, you will be able to consolidate the received success at the next meeting.