The most interesting and probably the oldest way to attract the attention of a loved one is sign language. Men are quick to react to visuals. With their skillful use, you are guaranteed the attention of your chosen one.

Step 1
Use openness in your body language. In different situations, a person uses body language without even knowing it. The ability of the body to reflect a person's thoughts is in the genes and acts on a subconscious level, especially when communicating with the opposite sex. The essence of the technique lies in your willingness to open up to your beloved man and attract his attention with the help of gestures and facial expressions.
Step 2
Start with the face. Look in the mirror and remember the expression in your eyes when you are in a confident and calm state, ready to communicate with your chosen one. The eyes should have a clear expression, on the face - a half smile, when the corners of the mouth are slightly raised.
Step 3
Keep it easy, free, open. Avoid defensive gestures such as crossing your arms, turning to the sides. Use a moderately lit room to get a man's attention. Penumbra, acting on the subconscious, will create a more intimate atmosphere and will dispose a man to subtle communication with you. Tune in to the openness of your gestures, the body itself will reflect your interest in further communication with your beloved man, which, of course, will be correctly interpreted by him.
Step 4
To attract a man, stay in his field of vision. But, of course, you should not rush at him, violating his space. Choose a distance where you can lightly smell your perfume and you can discern the expression in your eyes. Most likely, he himself will try to shorten it and communicate with you. Take advantage of the situation and find an opportunity to slowly enter his space and stay there for a while at ease. Play with your gaze, averting him as soon as he starts looking at you. Be sure to keep a slight smile on your face. Your task is just to attract attention to yourself.
Step 5
To provoke your beloved man to approach you, support your sensuality. In this again, gestures are irreplaceable. A slight tilt of the head with the simultaneous touching of the hand to the hair, the movement of the fingertips along the shoulders or around the face will surely attract the attention of your chosen one. All of these gestures are easy to explain. An attempt to please makes a woman pay increased attention to her appearance, which does not go unnoticed by a man when he meets his eyes.
Step 6
When showing off your sensuality, don't worry. Your body, feeling agitated, by signs will make it clear to the man you are interested in that you are not completely confident in yourself or are experiencing discomfort. However, this is not always a negative point, since it is this circumstance that can play in your favor, disposed to a frank conversation and the establishment or continuation of relations.
Step 7
Imagine yourself in his arms, mentally touch him and enjoy the kiss at the moment when you want him to pay attention to you.