You've made a good pair. You and your boyfriend have been together for a long time, perhaps it is going to the wedding. But from time to time you are overwhelmed by doubts about the fiance's loyalty. You want to know what your loved one is doing when you are not around. Has another girl appeared in his entourage, to whom he can go. What is the best way to control your boyfriend so as not to harm your relationship?

Step 1
Keep the whole situation under control. Become for him not only a beloved girl, but also a good friend. Find out what the guy is doing, what his interests are. If you can be genuinely passionate about the same thing, you can spend more time together. Just don't pretend - guys always feel insincerity. If his hobby doesn't suit you at all, just respect his activities.
Step 2
Find out who is around him at work, school. Try to always go with him to events that are held for employees of the organization: trips to nature, corporate parties. Thus, you will achieve two goals at the same time. First, see which girls are next to him. Secondly, the people around your boyfriend will see that he is not free. Do not be surprised, but this will stop many girls from wanting to start a relationship with him.
Step 3
Take a closer look at what girls he likes. In no case try to blindly imitate them. It will look ridiculous and ridiculous. But it is quite possible to adopt and develop some qualities that will organically combine with your personality.
Step 4
Control your behavior, do not make scenes of jealousy, do not engage in total surveillance. Do not check your loved one's phone, do not read SMS. Don't browse his social media pages. First, by this you show uncertainty in your abilities, having decided in advance that some abstract girl is better than you. Guys tend to feel it. Secondly, all the secret becomes clear, and sooner or later, your friend will find out about these spy games. Do you think he will like your distrust and such a rude intrusion into his personal space?
Step 5
Watch yourself, remember how you were when you started dating. After all, it was just such a girl that he fell in love with. But do not stand still, constantly improve. And most importantly, love each other, and everything will be fine with you.