Sometimes it happens that there has been no family, love relationship between people for a long time, but one of the spouses, for whatever reason, does not agree to a divorce. How can you get a divorce?

Step 1
Try to negotiate with your ex-spouse in an amicable way. The family will be destroyed in any case, but with the consent of both spouses, the document can be drawn up at the registry office without bringing the case to court. Submit your application, pay the state fee and wait for the divorce certificate to be issued. If the document confirming the marriage was lost, it will be necessary to obtain a duplicate in advance.
Step 2
For the official termination of the existence of a family in our country, the consent of both spouses is not required. If your other half refuses to divorce, go to court. In accordance with article 22 of the Family Code, the public authority can invalidate your marriage if further family life is impossible.
Step 3
Be prepared for the fact that the court will not immediately meet you. Officials usually set a three-month period for the spouses to be able to reconcile. During this time, you can collect evidence that you can no longer live in marriage. If one of the spouses drinks or makes scandals, the testimony of neighbors and police reports will help. Adultery is also a sufficient reason for divorce. Morally prepare yourself for the fact that in court you will have to deal with very personal cases, such processes take a lot of energy and nerves. The marriage will also be dissolved if the husband or wife is absent for no known reason, is in prison, or is incapacitated.
Step 4
It is much more difficult to achieve a divorce if there are children in the family. As a rule, the court leaves the child with the mother if she can provide for him and does not lead an immoral lifestyle. In practice, the court can side with the father if he proves that the ex-wife does not love the child and does not want to take care of him. The court, with the support of the guardianship and guardianship authorities, will determine with whom the child will live, and how often the second parent can see him.
Step 5
Thus, you have the right to end a hated marriage and change your life for the better. Be patient and persistent, seek a fair solution.