More recently, you swore an oath to each other of unrequited, eternal love. Only a few years of marriage have passed, as your plans and hopes have changed dramatically, because there is a divorce ahead, the cause of which was the betrayal of your beloved wife.

Step 1
Liberation from the ring on the finger has become an obsession, from which husbands become hasty in their conclusions and often make irrevocable, not always correct decisions. One thing becomes clear in this situation: we must act. However, there are often doubts about whether to wait a little longer or file for divorce right away. According to experts, a wife's betrayal is not only a psychological trauma for her husband, but also a cruel blow to his pride, which is often completely unexpected. Since it happened that your spouse chose a relationship on the side, in no case do not lower your self-esteem. Realize that you are in no way inferior to her lover, do not forget about your physical and mental qualities. Discuss what happened with your wife and find out what exactly did not suit her in your family life, which led her to take this step.
Step 2
The most important thing is that you need to react to everything that has happened with dignity, you should not go down, resorting to scandals and conflicts. Cheating on women is a treacherous act, and you shouldn't let your spouse humiliate you even more. Never drown your sorrow in alcohol. This will only aggravate the situation and will not help in any way to solve the problem. Do not try to find out about who attracted and lured your mistress, be above that, because whatever one may say, the wife herself is to a greater extent to blame for the upcoming divorce.
Step 3
Do not forget that part of the adultery is also your fault. Reconsider the way you married together before the incident. Maybe you didn’t pay enough attention to your wife, and this greatly offended her. In addition, it also happens that your wife took revenge on you for your own gaps or casual connections on the side, and she knew perfectly well that you had another girlfriend. Perhaps the spouse was alone for a long time for some reason, because she could not agree to treason without a specific reason.
Step 4
In any case, the husband is faced with a difficult question: what to do next and how to get a divorce. If you realize that you cannot forgive your wife's betrayal in any way, then it is better to file for divorce right away. Couples without children can divorce quietly, but if you have children, you will have to go to court. On your application, you must indicate the reason for the divorce. Some men voice the fact of infidelity on the part of their beloved, and some try to hide it.
Step 5
In addition, in addition to filing for divorce, you need to file a claim for the division of property that was acquired together in marriage. Remember that you still need to decide the question of who the children will live with after your separation. As a rule, the court will give preference to the mother, but you have every right to see them several times a week. In some cases, it is possible to challenge such a decision and leave the children with the father.
Step 6
An application for the recovery of alimony for the maintenance of minor children is written by the person with whom they will live. Some people think that it is humiliating to file for child support, but you should understand that you are not doing it for your own sake, but for the sake of your offspring.
Step 7
After drawing up the documents necessary for a divorce, you pay a state fee, the amount of which you will be told, and only after that your application will be considered.
Step 8
Even if you decide to stay with your loved one, remember that it will be very difficult to regain trust and respect for each other. The pain of betrayal will remain for a long time, but in case of forgiveness, live in the present, not remembering the past and not reproaching your wife for her mistakes.