There is such a sad situation: a guy loves a girl, but she does not. More precisely, she treats the young man very well, she is pleased with his company, she willingly accepts help from him, consults with him, trusts her secrets. In a word, this guy is a close friend for her, but no more. A man asks himself a question: how to stop playing the role of a "good friend" and become a girl's boyfriend in the full sense of the word.

Step 1
The situation is tricky, especially if you are shy and delicate. Upbringing and character do not allow you to open up, and for some reason all sorts of hints to the girl stubbornly do not reach. In this case, it is better to overcome shyness and frankly confess your feelings to her. Because any certainty is better than ignorance, and hints may not reach for a very long time. After all, guys and girls perceive the same words and behavior differently. The girl may indeed either not notice or misinterpret the young man's efforts.
Step 2
If, nevertheless, you cannot decide on this, you should resort to the help of mutual friends, girlfriends. A girl who heard something like, “Well, how can you be so blind? After all, he has been drying up for you for a long time, don't you really notice!”, He can really see the light and understand that this young man has obviously stayed up in eternal friends.
Step 3
The same can be done in a more subtle, veiled form. For example, have the same mutual friend (or girlfriend) compliment you in front of a girlfriend. Surely there will be, for what. With the indispensable addition: "Oh, and the girl who will fall in love with him will be lucky!"
Step 4
You can also resort to a rather risky, but effective, method: to awaken jealousy in a girl. After all, a woman understands that sooner or later she will have to start a family. While the guy (at least with her) did not show interest in other women, the thought: "Will he be a good husband and father?" it might just not occur to me. As soon as such interest is shown, the girl can instinctively start up: what is it, why is he interested in someone else when I'm around!
Step 5
Another risky but effective method is to temporarily disappear from the girl's life. It is not difficult to find a plausible excuse for this. She is used to the fact that you are always with her, you can tell about everything, complain, ask for advice, help. Now let him compare: how good it was with you and how uncomfortable it became, uncomfortable without you.
Step 6
Well, if a girl frankly makes it clear that you are not in her taste, that she appreciates you as a friend, simply does not perceive you as a man, you should accept this. After all, "you can't be cute by force!"