The decision to divorce is usually associated with a desire to change your life. Most often, the reason that prompted such a step defies reasonable explanation. However, time passes, and your ex-husband again may seem the best and dearest. If the divorce was still a mistake, you can bring that person back into your life.

It is necessary
- - new clothes;
- - photographer.
Step 1
Calm down and analyze the situation. If your divorce was spontaneous or too little time has passed after it, you must be sure that the decision to return is not a fleeting impulse. You know your spouse pretty well, so you need to be clear about what the future holds for you.
Step 2
Don't let your ex-spouse know that you want him back. Demonstrate calmness and self-confidence. Show discreet interest and kindness. It is possible that he already had another woman. Don't get hysterical about this.
Step 3
Take care of your appearance: a sad and self-neglected woman is unlikely to be able to attract anyone. However, you should not radically change your image, all changes should be delicate. Freshen up your haircut, slightly change your hair color, lose weight, buy beautiful clothes. Sign up for a professional photo shoot that includes makeup and hairstyles. An event like this will not only give you a sense of self-confidence, but also allow you to acquire a whole series of beautiful pictures. You can also give them to your ex-spouse.
Step 4
Find common things that connect you with your ex-husband. Perhaps you have a family business that needs to be maintained or a summer cottage where certain jobs need to be done. All of these can bring you closer together. But, perhaps, the most important connecting link will be your common child. Tell interesting moments from his life, call your spouse for holidays and school matinees, ask him to take you together on any business. At the same time, try to do so that the husband does not communicate only with the child: you should also participate in the activities.
Step 5
Be nice and friendly when meeting. Act as if you just want to be friends with your ex-husband. During meetings, occasionally recall the pleasant moments of the past. Emphasize that he remains a loved one to you. Avoid recriminations, as well as any mention of the main fact that caused the divorce. Your main goal is not to win your spouse, but to make him want to return to you.