Hazing is a frequent phenomenon in the life of modern schoolchildren. This is especially common among elementary school students, whose pens, food and pocket money are taken away. And this is done not by high school students, but by primary school students. If you have a suspicion that your child has become a victim of bullying, then use the following tips to solve this problem.

Step 1
To exclude such situations from the life of your son and always be aware of what is happening to him, teach him to talk about all his affairs, experiences and everything that happens to him at school. Take the time to listen carefully to him, encourage him to talk in every possible way, be keenly interested, ask leading questions. In turn, tell him what happens at your work. If your son gets used to telling every day how the day went, you will be able to react in time to any emergency situation.
Step 2
To prevent bullying, do not give your child extra pocket money, buy ordinary pens and pencils, do not allow modern electronic toys to be taken to school. Put a minimum of money on the phone, the child may well send you a "beacon" and you will call him back. Explain to your son that you cannot brag about money, food, electronic toys, or a telephone, so as not to give reasons for envy and harassment of older children.

Step 3
Sometimes local "authorities" behave quite decently at school, and they engage in "racketeering" after school in the schoolyard. In this case, it is advisable to teach your son, if possible, not to walk alone, but to stick together with friends. Explain that if someone is stuck to someone, the others should not run in different directions, but immediately run to the adults and call for help.
Step 4
If your little boy comes home from school upset, in crumpled or torn clothes, with abrasions and bruises, convince him that a frank story about what happened is not an indicator of cowardice. Affectionately but persistently get him to name the offenders

Step 5
You can go to his teacher, and if necessary, to the head teacher or director, to explain the situation and demand that action be taken. In the event that the school administration does not take any action, act yourself. Ask your husband, brother, any man you know, after school and outside the school walls, to explain to the "authorities" that if they do not stop bullying the kids, parents and the police will know about their actions. Do not try to reason with the hooligans.
At this age, their women generally have too weak authority, especially someone's mothers. But male conversation can produce results.
Step 6
If it comes to fights, do not be afraid to contact the department for work with minors at the police station in your area, just be sure to notify the school administration.