Sooner or later, everyone is faced with the loss of loved ones. Many people cease to be interested in everyday events, immerse themselves in memories and live only with their own experiences. How a person experiences his grief will affect his entire future life.

Step 1
Give yourself time to cry. Take a few days at your own expense at work, send relatives who have come to express their condolences to you, and start crying. Shout, bang your fists against the walls, bite your pillow, you might even break a couple of plates. After this release of emotions, you will feel better.
Step 2
Remember that tomorrow you will feel a little better than today. Over time, the pain will recede, dull. Now it seems to you that this is impossible, but you must understand that it will still be so, and time is the best doctor, you just need to wait.
Step 3
After a week or two, begin to re-engage in life. At this time, the motivation for action still does not appear, so you will have to pull yourself together and force you to go to school or work, to meet with loved ones. If you have wanted to do something for a long time, but have put off everything for later, it's time to finally implement your plan: get your license, go to a magistracy, take up an extreme sport, get a dog. This will help you take your mind off your worries.
Step 4
After the death of loved ones, many people are tormented by a feeling of understatement - they did not have time to say how dear the deceased was to them. If you are familiar with these feelings, start writing a letter. Write down everything you would like to say to the person who left you. If it seems to you that you have been abandoned, and you are angry with the deceased, do not be shy about this feeling, express on a piece of paper what you think about this.
Step 5
If you are a believer, be sure to order a memorial service for the deceased. And henceforth, when you feel melancholy again, come to church to light a candle for him.
Step 6
Grief can be experienced for two years, later turning into quiet sadness, but not completely leaving you. If you think you are stuck in this state and cannot cope with the loss on your own, be sure to see a psychologist.