Why Do You Need A Family

Why Do You Need A Family
Why Do You Need A Family

Video: Why Do You Need A Family

Video: Why Do You Need A Family
Video: Why Do You Love Your Family? 2025, January

Each person, due to the fact that he is someone's son or daughter, has close people, relatives by blood, who are called his family. Growing up and becoming independent, he, in turn, creates his own family with another person, not close to him in blood, but close in spirit and interests.

Why do you need a family
Why do you need a family

The family is a community of people connected by marriage or blood ties, therefore, it is assumed that mutual understanding and support reign in the family, due to common goals aimed at the well-being of this particular family. Each family is a micro section of society, a social institution that has its own traditions and history. The family jointly conducts a common household, raises common children on the basis of moral principles traditionally adopted in it and those that are explained by social necessity.

Common goals and objectives, blood ties, ideally, make the family for each person a place where there is no violence against him: physical, psychological and sexual. This is a community of people who are close in spirit and culture, who are always ready to support each other in troubles and grief and rejoice in case of success and victories. All its members accept each other without any reservations or conditions.

Apart from the issues of the birth and upbringing of children, with which the future of mankind as a species is connected, it turns out that a person needs a family in order for him to have a safe living environment that can protect him from the dangers that lurk in the external environment.

Psychologists know the following phenomenon of the psyche: if it is difficult for a person, he needs to speak out, after that it becomes easier for him. At the same time, it does not matter at all what the degree of painfulness of the experiences is. Those. a person has a physiological need to communicate with loved ones, with whom he may not be afraid of ridicule or betrayal. The place where he can be listened to, sympathized with and supported, for him is the family.

Of course, you can argue that this is not the way it is in all families, which means that this situation should be corrected and strive for. After all, if the spouses love and respect each other, then it will not be difficult for them to share their experiences and just thoughts with each other. Experience shows that in strong, happy families this is exactly the kind of relationship and, apparently, the question: "Why do we need a family?" in them no one arises.
