The price of sling and ergo backpacks is rather big. Moreover, for our culture, babywearing is a new, unusual phenomenon. Our mothers and grandmothers do not know what it is, why it is needed and are often also discouraged from buying an ergo backpack. But from my own experience, the author of this article was convinced how useful and necessary thing is.

For starters: what is an ergo backpack (sometimes called a sling backpack)? There are a great many types of slings. Ergo-backpack is, like any sling, a means for carrying the baby on the mother's body. Ergo-backpack differs in that it is not necessary to learn to tie it, it is enough just to pull up all the straps to the desired size (yours and your child's). You just put on the backpack, put the child in and snap one fastex fastener. Everything, you can go.
Why do you need an ergo backpack? There are a lot of situations when it can be useful to you. Let's look at a few examples.
Often babies with colic like to sleep on their mother's belly in an upright position. It's not very convenient for mom. This is where the ergo backpack comes in. You will be able to strap into it even an already asleep baby. The baby will sleep peacefully in close contact with his beloved warm mother, and at this time the mother herself will be able to do her business: eat, hang the washed clothes, etc.
Another option for using an ergo backpack: if your little one likes to fall asleep in his arms, you can put him in a backpack and rock him while sitting on a fitball. It is very comfortable and will allow your hands to rest. All the load from the child's weight is distributed to the back and lower back. Young mothers, who almost always carry the baby in their arms, will definitely appreciate this plus of the ergo backpack.
If your house does not have an elevator or your stroller is very massive, it will also be convenient for you to use an ergo backpack for short trips to the nearest store. The same can be said about trips to the clinic. When you go to your pediatrician's appointment by public transport, you can easily resort to using an ergo backpack. You do not have to carry the stroller into the transport, which, unfortunately, is not at all provided for this. And in the clinic itself, your hands will be free.
The position in the ergo backpack differs from that of a kangaroo in that it is safe for the baby. In kangaroo carriers, the entire load falls on the child's hip and tailbone, which is harmful to the baby's fragile bones and joints. In the ergo backpack, the baby's position is the same as when holding the baby in your arms. But at the same time, your hands are absolutely free. If you have several children, you can safely hold the elder by the hand, while the younger will be securely fastened on your stomach or back.
When the baby is already grown up and you want to take him on a family trip to nature, you can strap him on the back of yourself or your dad. So the child will see everything around perfectly. This way you can walk a greater distance than with a stroller or just walking.
These are just a few striking examples of the use of an ergo backpack. But they show well that buying an ergo backpack can be very useful for a young mother. You will spend money on buying it only once, and it will serve you for several years.