Probably, each of you at least once wondered what feelings this or that person has for you. Indeed, sometimes, love can put on the most unexpected masks. A loved one can behave rather strangely, showing aggression or jealousy. And unfortunately, jealousy will not always be a sign of high feelings, because there can be many reasons.

Step 1
Crisis, self-doubt, and a sense of ownership can all make it difficult for your partner to treat you the same way as before. People are used to rushing to conclusions, arranging a showdown with their loved ones. But the root of your significant other's unpleasant behavior may lie in something completely different. If your relationship is just about to start, and you do not understand how to behave, you can wait, observing the behavior of a young man, but sometimes you have to wait a long time. You run the risk of being lost in conjectures for eternity. In this case, you can get rid of uncertainty only by taking the initiative into your own hands. Believe me, men, like girls, are very shy and are simply afraid to prove themselves. If you notice that you have come across just such a "copy", and you are interested in it, go for it! Invite him to go to a movie or cafe. By the reaction of a young person, you can easily tell if he is interested in you.
Step 2
If you are married and it seems to you that the attitude of your loved one is no longer the same, you need to establish a dialogue. You need to talk, even if pride is trying to take over you. Try to first find out the reason for the incomprehensible behavior of your companion, do not pounce on him with reproaches, no matter how bitter you are. Only after a constructive conversation can you make any conclusions about whether he loves you or not. You can try to explain to your significant other that you feel cold and indifferent on his part, that you do not have enough warmth and affection. If your partner loves you, he will definitely listen to your request, and if he does not care, your conversation is likely to lead nowhere.
Step 3
As La Rochefoucauld said: "Of two lovers, one loves, and the other allows himself to be loved." This means that in a union, someone always gives off warmth to a greater extent. It may seem to some men that it was they who "allowed" to love themselves, this is sometimes seen in their attitude towards a woman, but this is not so. A man and a woman are two halves of one whole, which means that they equally want to receive and give feelings. Asking yourself the question "Do they love me?" not worth it, you will not wait for an answer. Try not to be driven by your pride, timidity, or timidity. It is difficult to imagine how many couples did not connect or, on the contrary, parted due to inability to talk. The most important thing you need to do is learn to love and respect yourself. Such people emit light that attracts others, but uncertainty, on the contrary, repels representatives of the opposite sex. Remember, love doesn't always appear at first sight. Love is the fruit of a relationship that you always have to work on.