The pain of breaking up with loved ones torments not only emotional women, but also strong men. Of course, it is better not to allow quarrels and conflicts that lead to separation, but since this happens, make an effort to return the dear person. Perhaps your task is not as difficult as you think.

Step 1
What caused your breakup? Before trying to get the girl back, you need to find the origins of the conflict, so as not to repeat the actions leading to quarrels. Think about solving relationship problems so that in a conversation with your beloved you can show that you are a reasonable and caring person. You will have to work on your mistakes and mistakes.
Step 2
Get ready to make concessions, because it is you who will return your loved one. If the girl did not like your gatherings with friends over beer, you will have to shorten the time of these meetings or do without alcohol.
Step 3
It is also necessary to talk about the beloved's excessive intolerance to some of your habits, because, being in a romantic relationship with a person, you need to accept him as a whole, as a formed personality. Of course, everyone has their drawbacks, rarely anyone manages to find an ideal, but the value of a sincere feeling is that it makes lovers better and cleaner. Tell the girl that you are changing for the better with her help.
Step 4
Many "experts" advise a young man trying to get a girl back to make her jealous. But in most cases, this only strengthens the former in the awareness of her innocence, and she finally decides not to look back and build new relationships. On the contrary, in order to achieve the return of a loved one, you need to prove your loyalty and constancy.
Step 5
Think about all the things your girlfriend enjoyed - flowers, jewelry, music, food, entertainment, etc. Send her favorite flowers to work with notes in which you ask her to forgive you and return. Order the local radio DJs to play the girl's favorite songs. Write words of love under her windows.
Step 6
Rent a signage over the road where the girl's route goes. What you depict on the poster is your own business, but try to write sincere and gentle words. Compose poems for your beloved, beautifully rewrite the text on a postcard and send it along with a cute gift. If a girl loves pastries, order the best and most delicious airy cake there is.
Step 7
By acting in this way, you can return your beloved, if her feelings have not cooled down yet.