Cancers are people born between June 22 and July 22. Although they have a special sensuality and romance, it is very difficult to wait for a declaration of love from them. At the beginning of a relationship, the first recognition often comes from the partner.

Step 1
Before you confess your love to Cancer, you need to study the features of this zodiac sign. Cancers are those people who cannot open their souls to the first person they meet. Even for most friends, Cancer remains a mystery. People born under this sign, although romantics, always remain on the alert. They are very rational and practical. They can be called too cautious. People born in the period from June 22 to July 22 have sometimes impossible combinations in their character. You will always have to put up with this, because Cancer cannot be remade.
Step 2
This sign is very touchy. Men are outwardly rude and sometimes cruel, but inside they can burn a huge heart filled with love. Cancer women are looking for a master in a partner. They are inclined to instill great love in a partner. Both women and men of this sign are looking for the balance in which they will love and be loved. Cancers find it very difficult to be the first to declare their love. At best, they can disguise the recognition as a joke, since if they refuse, they will be unbearably painful. And if they show signs of attention, then it is worth taking a retaliatory step.
Step 3
Cancer partners must be perfect. Therefore, you always need to be on full alert. There should not be a single flaw in the appearance, all clothes are carefully selected, and the makeup is impeccable. Hair should not be in a mess, but styled in an elegant hairstyle. Men should have no lint on their clothes, let alone stains. You will need to shave daily, not leave stubble.
Step 4
Share his dreams, support him in his endeavors. After all, this is very important for Cancer. He must constantly feel support from a person close to him. Let him take care of you.
Step 5
Cancer should see its ideal not only in appearance. His pair should be well-read and smart. Education is not in the last place when choosing a partner. But it is quite difficult to fully comply with all these parameters.
Step 6
When the moment comes when Cancer as a joke hints about love, then tell the whole truth about your feelings. Speak directly in a calm and gentle voice. Don't be too nervous. Self-confidence is one of the key factors. Cancers feel when there is insecurity in a partner. And they can escape from recognition, thinking that even if the relationship begins, it will soon end.
Step 7
If you can't even wait for a hint of recognition from Cancer, then you should create a romantic atmosphere. Whether it's a rooftop picnic or dinner in a cozy restaurant, the main thing is that the whole atmosphere is saturated with love feelings. When dinner starts, have a glass of wine for the two of you and your relationship. Note how good Cancer looks, what a great conversationalist and person he is. And then go directly to the recognition. After this, Cancer will not be able to resist.