It is important for absolutely every person to feel that someone needs him. Have you ever wondered why feelings of aggression and disappointment in people often appear in our life? Most likely, this is from the feeling that all the efforts and efforts of a person often turn out to be useless to anyone. And such people in life become completely unhappy. Each girl at a certain moment asks herself the question of how to become happy herself, and at the same time make her beloved boyfriend happy.

Step 1
The very first rule in psychology says that in a girl who cannot be called beautiful, guys are attracted by charm. It is also known that the look of a girl in love makes a guy the happiest. Smile, talk about your feelings more often - and your man will be happy with you.
Step 2
When the first period of your acquaintance ends, the relationship enters the next stage. At this moment, the guy really needs a friend who can be trusted with absolutely everything. Show your partner trust, respect and honesty, and he will appreciate you like no one else.
Step 3
Many women are selfish. But, in a relationship with a young man, try to think not only about yourself, but about him too. And your boyfriend will answer you with the same kindness and understanding.