It often happens that a person close to you is angry, although you behaved in relation to him very tactfully and delicately, trying to predict the slightest change in mood. But sometimes you want to annoy someone yourself, especially if this someone is amorphous and apathetic - and pulls to anger him with something, so that he shakes himself and understands that you cannot be bored all day.

Step 1
In fact, there can be many reasons to piss off your boyfriend. Even more reasons appear if the guy is not loved, as well. You can anger a person in order to help him, you can - just to show him who is the boss in the house, you can - as a prank. But if you do this, consider your friend's temperament. If you don't know him well, you'd better not wake the beast in him. Someone will quickly "boil" and cool down just as quickly, and someone can cripple you in anger. Therefore, in any case, do not forget about precautions.
Step 2
Suppose you still make up your mind. One of the surest ways to piss someone off is to repeat (just like a fool's ass) everything that someone says. You've probably tried it yourself. You will not get rid of this and will not get away: often, in order to make a person stop repeating, you have to get angry and yell, and this is exactly what you are trying to achieve.
Step 3
The constant pranks are also very angry. Some people may be tolerant of one or two pranks, but if they repeat from day to day (and choose not some harmless jokes, but real evil jokes), and if the object of ridicule will understand that this is the work of your hands, it is unlikely whether your friend can bear it with a calm heart. If he can stand, then he is either a saint (then give up all attempts - you will still not achieve anything), or … However, here you can continue the sentence yourself.
Step 4
Play on your boyfriend's best interests. The most explosive topics will be politics, military history, religion - it all depends on the guy. If you decide to make him angry, just get into an argument with him on one of the dangerous topics and bend your line to the red mark, after which the worst begins. The main thing for you in this situation is to keep calm yourself: you want to anger him, and not get angry yourself.
Step 5
Whatever goals you pursue, remember that there is a limit to everything. Emotions are dangerous, you never know where they can lead. The person may not understand your hint, get angry and leave, deciding that he will not waste time on such a bore. Of course, it can also be the other way around: sometimes people need an emotional shake-up, especially those who can accumulate emotions in themselves for a long time, not knowing that this negativity is poisoning them. But still, be skillful psychologists and proceed from the standpoint of benefit. Unless, of course, you just want to get rid of the person.