Sometimes it happens that a calm and friendly child becomes angry and aggressive. He throws tantrums out of the blue, breaks toys, is rude to his parents. In such a situation, one should understand the causes of aggression and eliminate them. Indeed, unlike adults, a child will not always be able to explain exactly why he is angry.

Step 1
If a child is angry, shouts out offensive phrases, then in no case should one respond to his actions with malice. You need to pull yourself together and try not to raise your voice at the angry kid. All his anger and all his hurtful words are a manifestation of internal aggression, the reason for which you should understand. By silencing the child by yelling at him, you can unwittingly push him to other ways of expressing his displeasure.
Step 2
If the child is showing aggression, you should not respond to it with spanking on a soft spot. If you allow yourself to hit the offspring, then he will only assert the correctness of his behavior.
Step 3
Redefine your relationships within your family. Children, like a sponge, absorb both good and bad. Perhaps the child, looking at how adults sort things out in a raised tone, is simply copying their behavior. If you have constant swearing in your home, do not be surprised that the child is showing aggression.
Step 4
Teach your child to express their emotions in a different way. For example, if your child says he hates you, instead of yelling back, try to rephrase what he said. Say, for example, the following: "Do you not like that I do not allow you to go for a walk?" Then justify your prohibition. The child will learn that instead of shouting out offensive words, you can express your discontent more correctly by voicing its reason.
Step 5
Do not make concessions if the child is openly dissatisfied and tries to sway your decision in his favor. If you follow his lead, outbursts of aggression will occur much more often. The child will quickly understand that you can be manipulated and will take it for granted.
Step 6
If a child gets angry too often, shows aggression, expresses his dissatisfaction, be sure to consult a child psychologist. Children very often, not knowing how to express their feelings, throw out their negative emotions on others. It is possible that the child is suffering from a lack of your attention. Try to spend more time with him, show that you love him and need him. Children are very sensitive to sincere emotions, and it is very likely that the outbursts of anger will soon stop.