If a guy dumped you, it is, of course, very offensive and painful. But it's better to tell yourself right away that there is no return to the past and there will not be. It is foolish to spend time waiting for him to return, suddenly realizing what happiness he has lost. But it is quite possible to make him regret it.

Step 1
Everyone has setbacks in life. But everyone treats them differently. Someone gives up and begins to complex, and someone - to draw conclusions and work on mistakes. We hope you belong to the latter. Having suffered a little, sit down and calmly consider what was the reason for the breakup, where the mistakes were made, and which of them became fatal.
Step 2
There is a set of qualities that a girl must have in order to be liked by guys. This is a neat and well-groomed appearance, good hair and figure, sex appeal, the ability to listen and comfort. There are also general properties of a person's character that are always attractive to people of the opposite sex. These include a sense of humor, intelligence, independence, unobtrusiveness, self-sufficiency, the ability to dress stylishly, interesting hobbies. If you analyze all these qualities and can perceive them in a complex, you will get a portrait of a girl who can win the heart of any guy.
Step 3
Now take an honest and unbiased look at yourself. Which of the above qualities is lacking in your character and behavior? This is what we need to work on. Map out a plan of action for yourself and decide how you will follow the path of self-improvement. If there are imperfections in appearance or physique, then there are care products, the art of applying makeup and gyms to correct them. The acquisition of all other virtues is associated with work on oneself. Say “thank you” in your mind to your ex-boyfriend, because his act became a reason to start working on yourself, and enjoy doing it.
Step 4
Your behavior should surprise him and disappoint him in expectations. If he thought that you were looking old, sad and sad and would walk around, trying to catch his eye more often, then you will not give him such pleasure. Act contrary to his expectations. Your self-improvement efforts will not go unnoticed and, most likely, you will not remain alone for a long time either. At the same time, the quality of your new fans will become much better - after all, you have changed for the better.
Step 5
You should not demonstrate new hobbies to your former hero in a couple of days, wait until some time passes for a person to appear next to you, even outwardly superior to him in all respects. There is nothing more offensive for a guy than seeing that you are successful with someone who is clearly better than him. It was then that he began to look for his elbows to bite them, realizing how wrong he was.