The modern woman has an acute shortage of time. But real housewives have no questions about how to satisfy a hungry spouse. And for this, a set of ready-made salads from the nearest store is not at all required. A loving wife will always find several mouth-watering recipes to pamper the faithful.

Step 1
To please your spouse with food, it is important to know his tastes. Someone will give their life for ruddy cheesecakes with sour cream, and someone will only be happy with a steak with blood. A good housewife will find a reasonable compromise and not only feed her husband with his favorite dish, but also enrich his diet, taking into account addictions.
Step 2
Try to diversify the menu. Serve vegetable dishes with meat or fish. This is not only a satisfying but also a healthy combination. Use spices and herbs more actively in cooking: they will add new aromas and taste nuances to already known dishes. Try to season your salad with sunflower oil today, and olive oil or corn oil tomorrow.
Step 3
Don't go overboard on convenience foods. It is more interesting and profitable to make dumplings with your own hands. You will soon see that not only are they much better than the factory-made ones in taste, but that they cook quickly enough. Feel free to replace the meat filling with a vegetable, cereal or fruit filling. Such dumplings - with cottage cheese, cherries, cabbage - are served with a variety of sauces. Depending on the type of filling, they can be successfully used not only as main courses, but also as a dessert.
Step 4
Simmer and bake in the oven often. Everyday porridge in a clay pot, seasoned with sauteed vegetables, with the addition of nuts and dried fruits, can become your signature dish. And no one will guess that you spent the minimum time on cooking, which is necessary only for preparing the products. If you combine several types of cereals, you get a lot of options, and your menu will never be monotonous.
Step 5
Don't ignore soups, they are essential for normal stomach function. Peas, beans, mushrooms, cabbage soup and borscht give strength and vigor. But they can be unusually tasty, especially piquant, if you are creative in cooking. Let's say you can add cheese, lemon wedges to a vegetable soup, and walnuts, cilantro, pomegranate juice to a meat soup (you get almost kharcho). There will never be superfluous greens that add notes of spring freshness to soups and whet the appetite.
Step 6
Unleash your imagination, do not be afraid to experiment. Intrigue your spouse with culinary masterpieces, delight him with various homemade delicacies. Just cook not with strength, but with your soul. Then the dish will really be delicious, and the husband will be happy.