Joint breakfasts, lunches and dinners bring your family together at a common table and contribute to its unity. You are faced with a difficult task - to prepare delicious dishes that everyone will like.

Step 1
Make a menu. When choosing dishes, be guided by what your household loves, and try to take into account the tastes of each. So you will please everyone. Also, plan your menu for the current season at the moment. In hot weather, choose cool food, and in cold weather, cook mostly hot food. Keep in mind that depending on the time of the meal, the content of the table is also different. For example, it is better to serve porridge for breakfast than soup.
Step 2
Buy groceries. Pay attention to their quality and shelf life. It is better to purchase groceries from the same trusted store or supermarket. This way you run less risk of stale ingredients ending up in your kitchen. In order not to forget anything in the grocery store, first make a list, filling the cart, refer to it.
Step 3
Plan your breakfast, lunch, or dinner. If no one can help you, it is very important to organize your activities in the kitchen in such a way as to spend a minimum of time and have time to set the table. Choose dishes that do not require constant attention in the course of their preparation. It is very convenient in this sense to use an oven and a double boiler. Vegetables, fish, meat and dough are cooked almost without your participation. In addition, distribute the sequence of creating culinary masterpieces, taking into account the peculiarities of their recipes. If you know that you will have a free time interval between some stages of the creation of a particular dish, use it to wash fruits or cut vegetables for salad.
Step 4
Set the table. Serving is an important point. The level of appetite of your household depends on how attractive the dining room will look. Get out some pretty napkins to save for your special occasion. Take expensive dishes from which you rarely eat.
Step 5
Gain experience. Write down recipes that your family particularly like in a separate notebook. This way you will never have a question of what to cook for your spouse, children and parents.