Acquaintance with a girl you like most often begins with a correctly chosen phrase. If the words turn out to be inappropriate, the communication will last for a few seconds, after which, most likely, it will never continue again.

How to meet a girl on the street
Discard all the banal and vulgar phrases, even if they are popular and sound cool. Sentences starting with "Girl, can I meet you?" and ending with "Your dress will look good on the floor next to my bed" will cause at least indifference, but at most anger.
It is better to use simple and unpretentious phrases than to shock the girl with obscenities or immediately make her strange proposals.
If you are interested in intelligent girls, try this option: take a pen and a notebook or a thick folder with sheets of paper in your hands, go to the lady you like and say: “Good afternoon. Do you have a minute to help me? I am writing a book about women and collect statistics and opinions of girls so as not to distort the information. You can refer to the fact that you are conducting research, compiling statistics, etc. The main thing is to interest a woman and captivate her with a conversation. Another option is to contact a girl in the market or in a store and ask for help in choosing a product, referring to her impeccable taste.
You can try using cool phrases, including “Hello, I'm a prince. Didn't my white horse run here? " or “Good afternoon. Can I invite you … to the registry office? " You can also compliment. But don't use trivial phrases like "You are very beautiful." Note the interesting manicure, cute hairstyle, original decoration. If you see handcrafted clothing or accessories (such as a beaded bracelet), you can say that it looks great and ask if the girl made it herself.
The option with hand-made things makes it easy to continue the conversation: you can either note the girl's skill, or ask what she enjoys if she does not knit or weave products.
Phrases for online dating
If you like a girl on a dating site, on a social network, etc., you can try to chat with her. This option is convenient because you will have time to think about the answers, and in extreme cases you can consult with friends. Use information that you know. Getting acquainted via the Internet, you can immediately find out the name of a woman, her preferences, learn a little about her lifestyle, favorite music and much more. Use this when choosing phrases.
For acquaintance, you can use the phrases: “What fairy tale are you from?”, “I was amazed at the beauty of your photos and even forgot what I wanted to say”, “People with common interests are so rare! I also like this group (film). What song (scene) do you like the most?"