A kiss, as an important part of foreplay, can be passionate, gentle, light or deep. The peak of arousal in young people occurs precisely during a kiss on the lips. It is worth remembering that everyone has their own erogenous zones. If one guy likes breast kisses, then for another they may be unacceptable.

Kissing is part of an intimate game, a prelude to sex. Arousing a guy with kisses is not so difficult if you know how and where to kiss. It is worth remembering that people are all different, and their erogenous zones are also different. Finding out exactly how to excite a guy with kisses will have to be experienced.
What kisses turn guys on
There is no definite answer to this question. Firstly, how many men, so much the sensation of a kiss. Secondly, there is no universal instruction on how to kiss a specific guy. But there is an average of statistics on what kind of kiss is exciting. So, it is believed that a kiss on the lips turns on 10 out of 10 guys. At the same time, someone is aroused only by a light touch to the lips, and someone is excited by a deep, passionate kiss. Check empirically what exactly makes your boyfriend's pulse quicken, and the blood rush to the most intimate place.
Tips for arousal
To excite a guy with kisses, you need to be able to be "leading". If you have already taken the initiative, then do not give up. Start arousing and conquering your man with gentle and teasing kisses on the lips, ears, and neck. Gradually, when the guy accepts your call, the kisses should become deeper and more passionate, and your actions should be more frank and more relaxed.
Kissing in the erogenous zones can turn a guy on very quickly. 8 out of 10 guys are extremely turned on by gentle kisses on the back, on the neck from the back of the head, on the collarbones and shoulders. Light touches of the lips on erogenous points make breathing and pulse quicken, the skin becomes more sensitive, and arousal increases rapidly.
In addition to the fact that arousal should come from kissing, do not forget about foreplay at the same time. Guys are very excited not only by hot kisses, but also by parallel strokes and caresses in intimate places. For example, caressing the inner thighs. This gesture is very exciting. If your relationship does not allow such frank caresses, then you can simply grab the guy by the neck or the back of the head during a kiss, lightly massaging, fluffing up his hair, burying his fingers in his hair.
9 out of 10 guys love contrasting kisses that instantly turn on. Alternate passionate and deep kisses with gentle, light touching lips. This contrast quickly sets you up for an erotic wave. Remember to caress the palate with your tongue while kissing. According to statistics, this is one of the most erogenous parts of the oral cavity in men.