If suddenly a man opened up and admitted that he was afraid to meet a fatal lady on his life's journey, he is clearly not being cunning. But if he dropped between the lines that a bitch woman is a shameful and immoral phenomenon, the man is lying! Because no image is as intriguing and mesmerizing as the image of a vamp woman, seasoned with magic.

Who is she really?
It should be noted that this is a real thunderstorm for the rest (not at all similar to her) women. Fatal beauty, a true predator! Her character is very similar to a blade: if you just behave incorrectly or carelessly - and immediately blood! Perhaps that is why such women are destined to bear the cross of loneliness. However, they carry it with a proud royal bearing, because they know that they are a constant object of public attention. They can be recognized in no time. And the point is not at all in a well-groomed appearance, although this is also important. But after all, in the modern world there are a great many women who gloss their appearance, but at the same time do not know how to behave correctly. Therefore, the fatal woman is noticeably different from the many-sided crowd in her manners: after all, it is about such a lady that we can say that she is not dressed, but served, she does not come, namely appears, does not leave, but allows herself to disappear. She will not try on the image of a mom or a companion of her man, because she knows that such an action will subsequently have a detrimental effect on their relationship.
Such a woman is emphatically beautiful, cunning, intelligent, and her main secret is that she learns beautiful manners, looking at herself from the outside. Therefore, carrying out introspection and learning from his own mistakes, in the end he knows how to present himself "tasty".
The average woman does not pay attention to such details as the ability to sit beautifully in an armchair, exquisitely throw off her hairpins, languidly light a cigarette. Most cannot cause the secret delight of a man even with their ability to sit in a car beautifully: often the movements are vain and awkward - either haste, or a large load, or a lot of other reasons affect. However, this cannot be said about the vamp girl, whose movements are graceful and worked out to automatism. She knows very well that it is common for a man to notice such details, even if he is silent about it, so the fatal beauty uses this as her main trump card (gestures, movements, gait).
A fatal woman is always "seasoned" with a halo of mystery and predicting her next step is comparable to playing roulette - it is impossible to calculate to the end, even if you know the rules of the game very well.