The order in the children's closet is a headache for many mothers. But it turns out that teaching a child to put things away and fold them beautifully is not such a difficult task.

The child will constantly and with pleasure do what he likes. This means that the organization of the children's closet should be such that it would be pleasant and convenient for the child to manipulate in it. You need to carefully, considering all the little things, think over the layout of the children's closet. Starting from the size of the compartments and ending with their color. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics and preferences of your child.
1. The child must have free access to his clothing.
Everyday things should be close at hand, and rarely used lie higher. Also at the top, without interfering, should be seasonal things. If the child does not reach, there should be a high chair or a step stand by the cabinet.

2. Things should be in order.
The upper body clothing is (hanging) separately from the shorts. Pantyhose socks have their own box. Dresses are hung separately on hangers. Explain to your child that each piece of clothing has its own house. You can mark the shelves in different colors.

3. Hanging boxes can be used to prevent clothes from falling off the shelves. And hinged shelves will help to rationally use the space of the cabinet.

4. Containers with inscriptions will help you remember exactly where things are, and a small child will quickly remember words and letters.

There should be no junk at the bottom. Neat boxes and boxes. Various colors and beautiful lettering. The child himself will be pleased to sort things after washing in their "houses". Naturally, at first this will take place in the presence of mother, accompanied by her admiring exclamations. Praise your child for every little success. Action supported by positive emotion is more likely to become a habit.
5. And of course, you should be able to always open your closet and say - look how clean and beautiful it is in my closet. An example is the best parenting weapon.
Be patient and persistent. We are all reluctant to change our habits. Help your child. Give him time and your approval.