Labor can start earlier and faster than you expect. Therefore, it is better to collect the bag in advance in the hospital, putting everything you and your baby need in it.

Step 1
To pack your bag for the hospital, make a list of the things you need. If you have decided exactly in which maternity hospital you will give birth, find out about its requirements for mothers' luggage. Some of them do not allow bags made of material or leather, so you will have to put your belongings in a plastic bag. In addition, in some maternity hospitals, the use of children's and women's clothing from home is allowed, while in others it is not. Also, every maternity hospital has a list of things for the baby to be discharged, depending on the season. Pack these items separately.
Step 2
Prepare the necessary documents: exchange card, birth certificate, passport, policy, copy of sick leave. If you are going to give birth with a partner, he must have a passport, test results and fluorography. Some institutions require the presentation of a certificate of completion of the partner courses for pregnant women.
Step 3
Put your personal care products to collect the bag at the hospital. Think about what you need every day for a shower, pick up cosmetics, manicure accessories, a comb. Hair dryers are prohibited in some maternity hospitals, so if you are used to styling with them, come up with a temporary alternative. Take your nipple cream with you. It will be especially useful for you the first time, when you are just starting to feed your baby. Then the nipples will be very sensitive and irritation may begin.
Step 4
In the maternity hospital, you will definitely need disposable panties and panty liners. It is better to stock up on several types of thicker or smaller, but in fact you yourself will determine what suits you best. When collecting the bag for the hospital, grab a few disposable adult diapers, paper handkerchiefs, disinfecting wipes, and plain and wet toilet paper just in case. Candles with glycerin may be useful, because in the first days after childbirth, you may be tormented by constipation.
Step 5
In the maternity ward, you can carry 1 liter of clean non-carbonated water, a telephone and a charger to it. Be sure to put these items in your bag at the hospital. If you have a predisposition to varicose veins, purchase compression stockings. Just buy not ordinary models, but a special version for operations - white, with a softer upper elastic band and a partially open foot. These stockings all come with one compression, you just have to choose the size.
Step 6
For the child, you need to take a dummy. It is better to put 2-3 different options, since it is not known which of them the newborn will like more. Take 5-6 diapers in your bag to the maternity hospital for each day of your stay in the maternity hospital. Usually, discharge occurs on day 4, but there are minor delays for medical reasons from the pediatrician or gynecologist. You will also need a gel or liquid soap to wash the baby, diaper rash cream.
Step 7
From clothes, the baby may need a cap, scratches and socks. Diapers are usually handed out at the postnatal ward, but you can take some items with you if it is not prohibited by the institution's regulations. To collect the bag for the maternity hospital, where your own textiles are allowed, you need to take a towel, 2 nightdresses and a pair of bathrobes for yourself. Everything should be made of cotton. Don't forget your hospital shoes - washable slippers.
Step 8
It is not allowed to bring books, magazines, tablets to the hospital. The only thing you can take is headphones for your phone. If you wish, put a postpartum bandage in a bag in the maternity hospital, although some gynecologists recommend walking without it for the first days so that the abdominal muscles begin to work on their own. You may need a breast pump. Some moms like manual, mechanical models, others prefer electronic ones. The advantage of the former is the low price and the ability to regulate the intensity of work, and the advantages of the latter include ease of use.