How To Painlessly Tear Off A Tongue Frozen To A Swing

How To Painlessly Tear Off A Tongue Frozen To A Swing
How To Painlessly Tear Off A Tongue Frozen To A Swing

The more curious a child is, the more attention he needs. He strives to stick his nose everywhere to learn something new, and sometimes no parental advice affects him. On the contrary, what is prohibited becomes even more tempting.

How to painlessly tear off a tongue frozen to a swing
How to painlessly tear off a tongue frozen to a swing

In childhood, many tried to lick something iron in the cold: a spatula, a door lock. Probably, most often it is still a swing. The sensations from such a feat are unforgettable - the tongue immediately sticks to the surface of the iron. It is impossible to tear it off, just try - sparks from the eyes, and blood flows from the tongue.

How to help a child who has tongue stuck to an iron

Children grow up and become parents. And now they themselves find themselves in such a situation when a beloved child on a walk on a frosty day touches the door handle or swing with his tongue. To get rid of iron is possible only by "tearing" the tongue, often - along with the skin.

Fortunately, such a wound is rarely deep, but it needs urgent washing. First, rinse it with warm boiled water, then with hydrogen peroxide. The action of the peroxide will help remove trapped dirt and dry out the wound a little. If the bleeding is small, it will stop on its own. With a more extensive wound, a hemostatic sponge can help, a sterile bandage folded several times is also suitable - it is properly pressed to the damaged area and held until the bleeding stops completely.

In more severe cases, it is necessary to show the child to a doctor. But, as a rule, such a need almost never arises.

How to avoid severe injury

If the parents failed to convince the child not to taste the pieces of iron on the street, alas, all that remains is to keep an eye on him. Let's say the child still licked the iron swing and stuck to it. Several attempts will be enough for him to understand how painful it is to tear off the tongue on his own. Parents in such a situation can help to avoid excessively deep injuries.

The stuck place can be gently poured with warm water. But this advice is not useful to everyone - hardly anyone takes a kettle of hot water with them for a walk. This can be done only if the trouble happened in the yard of your house and warm water is always available. You can also do this: show your child how to gently breathe through the mouth on the stuck place. Warm air gradually warms the gland and the tongue can be removed, but this must be done very carefully, millimeter by millimeter.

Be very attentive to children when walking. Take your time and talk about the consequences of touching metal objects in the cold. In every yard there is at least some of the structures for children, which are made of metal - these can be slides, and swings, and stairs. It is better to tell the child about this in time than to tear off the stuck tongue from the swing.
