Sometimes it happens that the child suddenly becomes uninteresting to learn. Instead of immediately starting to shake everyone with school successes after intensive preparation, he does not hear the teacher, he is often distracted, becoming sluggish in the classroom, thinking about something of his own. How to attract a child to classes, to return his desire to learn?

Step 1
As a rule, any problem is easier to prevent. For a child to have a desire to learn, he must be able to do it. And it is necessary to develop this skill in him from early childhood. Remember, getting ready for school isn't all about learning to read and count. In addition, it is necessary to lay the foundation for the development of other skills in the child: the desire to learn new things, to be interested and ask questions, to think for oneself, creative imagination. Therefore, from early childhood, encourage your child's curiosity, help him find answers to questions, while enjoying it. Thus, you will contribute to the development of his intellectual ability, the most essential for a person. Sending a kid with numerous questions of interest to his dad, grandmother, etc., you discourage him from gaining knowledge.
Step 2
If the problem cannot be prevented, when it appears, try to understand its real causes. The child is interested in learning where something important is happening to him. He cannot master well the subject presented to him in an uninteresting form. Often it is because of this that students lose interest in learning. At this point, parents will have to work hard and show imagination. Try to teach your child to enjoy learning new things. Make the learning process for the student an adventure, a game. Do not force or punish the child, motivate and encourage, praise for the interest shown, and not only for the results. Help your child do their homework if something is not working out. When explaining the material, find interesting examples, "run ahead" and touch on a new topic a little - try to arouse his curiosity.
Step 3
Maybe the child is tired physically and emotionally. Free him for some time from additional activities in the sports section. Spend more time walking in the fresh air and socializing together: watch a good movie, read, build an airplane or a house together.
Step 4
Discuss the problem with the teacher in order to hear an outside opinion, to understand the reasons. The child may not be able to communicate with classmates and teachers. Understand the essence of the problem, contact psychologists to try to correct the situation. If unsuccessful, transfer your child to another class or school.
Step 5
Do not forget that the need for love is one of the fundamental needs of a person, especially a child. Give him as much love and attention as possible, despite his grades in school. A child develops self-loathing if he is constantly berated and told that he is behaving badly. And this, to a much greater extent than any other psychological problem, interferes with learning, love and life.