The Role Of A Fairy Tale In A Child's Life

The Role Of A Fairy Tale In A Child's Life
The Role Of A Fairy Tale In A Child's Life

In the modern world, many parents doubt whether a child needs to read fairy tales at all. Why does a kid need stories born only by the author's imagination? What are the benefits of fictional characters from books?

the role of a fairy tale in a child's life
the role of a fairy tale in a child's life

Why do children need fairy tales

The role of fairy tales in the upbringing and education of children is enormous. They develop thinking, imagination, memory, attention and coherent speech of the child, his creativity. The fairy tale awakens all the good that is in the child's soul, and reading together not only gives pleasure from communication, but also helps parents and children to get closer, to better understand each other.

Fairy tales introduce children to literary creativity. The child acquires knowledge about the world around him, relationships between people, habits and lifestyle of animals, gets acquainted with new heroes and customs of different nationalities. Folk tales introduce children to the culture and customs of their native country, foster the spirit of patriotism and love for the Motherland.

Fairy tales evoke an emotional response in the child's soul, which contributes to faster memorization and understanding of the text. The vocabulary is replenished, the child's speech is filled with figurative expressions, the development of thought processes is accelerated.

A fairy tale helps to deepen the child's understanding and assessment of the surrounding reality. The older the child becomes, the more clearly he draws the boundaries between reality and fiction. Listening to a fairy tale, the child learns to act in his thoughts in imaginary circumstances. Children, unlike adults, participate very vividly and emotionally in the reading process, can interrupt it with questions, try to intervene in events and help their favorite characters, sometimes they even ask to change the “wrong” ending, paint and cross out negative characters.

In fairy tales, everyday wisdom of many centuries is collected. They carry colossal information that is passed down from generation to generation, form a set of moral values in the child's mind, teach to empathize and look for a way out of difficult situations, and respect adults. Any fairy tale inspires that you need to strive to be kind, and positive characters in it always defeat negative ones. It is extremely important that the child from childhood is aware of the essence of human values and moral qualities (what kindness and honesty, mercy and justice).

how a fairy tale affects a child
how a fairy tale affects a child

The tale teaches you to resist evil and strive for perfection. A person should not give in to difficulties, but set goals and achieve them. This is how an active life position is formed.

In addition, reading is a great option for children and parents to spend time together. Without help, the child will not be able to fully comprehend the fairy tale and its lessons, therefore, after reading the chosen story, the adult should ask questions that help the preschooler understand the main idea, the actions of the characters and his own impression.

And fairy tales can also treat childhood disorders, it's not for nothing that they are used as psychotherapy.
