Flinching in a dream is quite natural for a child's body. The child could be overworked from games and communication before bedtime, so you should not worry too much about this. But this applies only to isolated cases, since constant and prolonged flinching is a serious reason for seeking medical attention.

Any incomprehensible changes in the functioning of the child's body cause a lot of questions and concerns for their mothers. These phenomena include flinching in a dream. As a rule, having noticed this in their child, many young mothers immediately go to the doctor. But in most cases, there is simply no reason for medical intervention, since flinching during sleep is quite natural for both an adult and a young body.
Often, involuntary movements during sleep are observed in newborn babies. The child adapts to an independent life. Thus, the systems of his body adapt to the world around him. He may shudder due to imperfection of the inhibitory mechanisms of the nervous system during the transition from one stage of sleep to another, or due to overwork.
In children over a month old, these involuntary movements can indicate problems with the tummy. The body's digestive system also adapts, so colic or other discomfort may occur.
Children one year and older may flinch with overexcitement or fatigue. Active play, excessive learning, or socializing can contribute to this. It often happens that an overexcited child cannot fall asleep, and when he does fall asleep, his body begins to react to fatigue with shudders. Therefore, it is better to devote time before bedtime to reading or some "quiet" games.
If flinching in a dream is repeated regularly and often, then this is a good reason for seeking medical help, since such symptoms can indicate problems with the nervous system or with metabolism (can lead to seizures). The reason for going to the doctor is the excessive rhythmicity of the shudders. Only a specialist can give qualified advice, so you should not engage in self-medication using folk methods.