Why Do Men End Up In Their Sleep

Why Do Men End Up In Their Sleep
Why Do Men End Up In Their Sleep

Pollution (from late Latin pollutio - soiling, soiling) is a phenomenon characterized by involuntary ejaculation. As a rule, emission occurs due to a dream with an unambiguous erotic connotation.


Scientific interpretation of involuntary ejaculation

Science distinguishes between two types of spontaneous ejaculation: physiological and pathological. Most often, physiological pollution manifests itself in adolescence, indicating the onset of sexual maturity. However, when a young man enters sexual relations, the phenomenon disappears by itself, but not completely. This kind of pollution is also typical for adult men (and women) who have been deprived of their usual sexual way of life for a sufficiently long period. By the way, in addition to nocturnal eruptions in men, daytime involuntary ejaculations also occur. This can occur with increasing sexual tension outside the conditions of intercourse.

Daytime emissions also occur under the influence of asexual factors (transport vibrations, a sense of fear, in the process of gymnastic exercises, etc.)

Pathological pollution is characterized by the fact that it proceeds against the background of indescribable lethargy and weakness. Often it is accompanied by painful sensations, concentrated in the genital area. Such a pollution may well be a symptom of a neurotic disorder, or diseases of the urethra, prostatitis, etc. Can occur up to six times per night. Congestive inflammatory processes occurring in the genitals lead to a regular breakdown of the nerve endings. In the future, it can lead to depletion of the spinal center of ejaculation.

The feasibility of dealing with involuntary ejaculation

Physiological emissions are absolutely harmless. This phenomenon, on the other hand, facilitates the periodic evacuation of sperm, significantly alleviating the hardships caused by forced abstinence. On average, it takes place from once a week (in adolescence) to once a month (in adulthood). Physiological involuntary eruption is not a symptom caused by a deviation from the norm, testifying precisely to the effectiveness of the work of the gonads.

Medieval Christian culture tended to interpret the sinful nature of emission. For the countries of Asia, a whole system of mystical views on the seed is characteristic, which is why emissions are the reason for seeking medical help.

Pathological pollution as a result of psychoneurosis is treatable. In this situation, sedatives and neuroplegic drugs are prescribed. In the presence of inflammation, it is necessary to treat the primary disease and eliminate the shortcomings of sexual activity. It will be useful to play sports, water procedures, as well as outdoor activities.
