Why Do Men Return To Their Ex

Why Do Men Return To Their Ex
Why Do Men Return To Their Ex

Everyone knows the saying: "They don't step into the same river twice." However, life makes its own adjustments to popular sayings: sometimes it happens that after a break in relations - sometimes extremely painful - a man again returns to his ex-girlfriend (or family). What led him to this decision? There may be several reasons.

The phenomenon of a man returning to his ex is a fairly common thing
The phenomenon of a man returning to his ex is a fairly common thing

Rethinking a breakup

Most men, building a relationship with a woman, act empirically - by trial and error. If a woman is also inexperienced, and does not yet have the ability to “smooth over sharp corners,” such a union is irresistibly moving towards the end of its existence. When the number of mistakes reaches a critical level, the couple breaks up. But, having lived alone, and after analyzing the unsettled relationship, the man comes to the conclusion that not everything is so bad. Love for the woman has been preserved, and if he makes enough efforts, then the relationship can be restored.

Psychologists believe that returning for this reason makes sense only if the other partner, over the time that has passed since the breakup, has also rethought his behavior, is ready to admit and continue to prevent past mistakes. Otherwise, the dynamics of the relationship will remain the same, and, in the end, the couple will part.

Time out in a relationship

Crises happen in all, even the happiest and strongest families. The question is who treats them and how they behave when they arise. Imagine a situation: several events happened in a man's life at once that literally knocked him out of the rut (for example, difficulties in work and relations with his superiors, problems with relatives, road accidents, etc.). A man cannot cope with the flow of piled-up problems at once, considers his wife to be the culprit of all troubles and leaves home, deciding to pause the relationship. After a while, having lived alone, the man realizes that he acted rashly, leaving his beloved family, and returns.

According to psychologists, this is the most "harmless" option for leaving the family. A man leaves his family because he wants to be alone and think about his relationship with a woman. Such a desire is natural for a person.

Harmonious sexual relations

No man is ready to give up good sex. If he was completely satisfied with sexual relations with a woman, then this is a serious incentive for the return of a man.

The intimate component is, of course, very important for a strong relationship. But if the spouses are united only by sex, and the moral and emotional aspects of marriage are absent, then such a union will not last long.

The man went to another woman, but was disappointed in her

Leaving the family for his mistress, a man often thinks that now a happy life will begin for him, and the previous one was nothing more than tuning instruments. But in reality it turns out not quite so. It turns out that the former wife was almost perfect in many ways, and the mistress is good only for rare meetings, but not for living together. As a result, the man realizes that he will be better with his wife.

The return of the "prodigal husband" does not solve the problems that caused the breakup. And it can be extremely difficult for a wife to forgive a returning husband. It will never be possible to reanimate the relationship completely.

Call of Duty

Sometimes a man who has met a new love returns to the family due to the sudden illness of his ex-wife or serious problems with children.

It is very good when a sense of duty is developed in a person, but it has nothing to do with love, and cannot be the foundation for family relationships.

A man who abandoned his family is not really ready for change

It happens that a man who has created a new family begins to miss his ex-wife as the closest and dearest person to him. And in a new marriage, everything seems strange and unfamiliar. Therefore, the man returns.

Psychologists believe that this kind of "spree" can last a lifetime. A man can leave, then come back again. The option of living "for two families" is not excluded either.
