If a child has a wet cough, this is not a cause for concern. A wet cough is already the next stage after a dry one, its appearance indicates that the baby is on the mend. In the process of coughing up phlegm, the airways are cleared of mucus and bacteria.

Step 1
To treat a wet cough, use products that make it easier to clear phlegm from the bronchi. These include expectorant drugs, as well as various mucolytics. Among herbal remedies, syrups based on licorice root, anise, sage, chamomile, mint are effective, and with combinations of these herbs. Give expectorant syrups to children one teaspoon at a time or 2 hours after a meal.
Step 2
As for synthetic mucolytic agents, the most effective are those containing acetylcysteine. For children over 12 years of age, give 200 mg 3 times a day. For children under 5 years of age, give preparations containing carbocisteine 2 times a day for a teaspoon, for children over 5 years of age - 3 times for a teaspoon. Preparations containing ambroxol hydrochloride and bromhexine hydrochloride are highly effective. Give them to your child according to the age-appropriate dosage.
Step 3
Use inhalation to increase blood circulation in the upper respiratory tract and improve sputum discharge. Apply them before going to bed, or after a walk, in any case, after inhalation, the child should not be in a cold room or breathe cold air. Inhale one hour after eating. If you do not have a special inhaler, use a regular kettle and a cardboard funnel through which the baby will inhale the vapors. Never put boiling water into the kettle. Wrap your baby in a blanket and start the procedure. Its duration should not exceed 5 minutes. Use for inhalation products containing abroxol hydrochloride. To do this, dissolve 7.5 mg of the drug in 1 liter of hot water.
Step 4
In order for the phlegm to drain better, massage the baby's chest and back with light movements. The direction of movement should be from the bases of the lungs to their tops, in the direction of air movement during exhalation. This is especially helpful for babies. Rubbing with a warming ointment helps. Make sure that your child drinks as much as possible: cook compote for him, brew rose hips. Drinking warm and plentiful drink promotes the rapid discharge of phlegm.