Mutual understanding is the key to a strong marriage and strong friendship. Only by learning to respect the interests of loved ones, a person will feel truly happy.

Family relationships
Mutual understanding is the key to a strong marriage. For family life to be happy, it must be present in literally everything - both in personal relationships and in everyday life. It is very important that spouses respect each other's interests and compromise when necessary. In love, there are no winners and losers, everyone is equal before this bright feeling, and therefore selfishness in a relationship is simply inappropriate.
Living under the same roof, people are often faced with the fact that their opinions differ greatly. For example, a man does not like noisy parties, and a woman cannot imagine her life without them and systematically invites cheerful girlfriends to her. In this situation, she neglects the interests of her husband, trying to impose her own opinion on him.
To avoid conflicts, she just needs to meet with them outside the home, for example, in a cafe, restaurant, cinema, etc. A person will be able to feel happy in marriage only when his interests are not only reckoned with, but also respected.
To learn to respect the interests of a loved one, it is advisable to spend as much time with him as possible, to study his emotions, attitude to the world and behavior patterns.
Friendly relations
Friends are people who are together in trouble and in joy. It is very difficult to find like-minded people, it takes time, certain life situations and, of course, the will of fate. But you can lose the disposition of a close-minded person in an instant. Putting his "I" above the opinions of others, a person runs the risk of being completely alone.
Friendship abhors arrogance. There are situations when close people lose touch due to trifles, banal misunderstanding, disrespect for each other's interests. If a friend is really dear, you need to learn to reckon with his opinion, listen to his advice, and sometimes even sacrifice something for the sake of the relationship.
Excessive pride is the main obstacle to understanding loved ones. She should not have the highest priority in a relationship, otherwise a person risks being left completely alone.
How to change yourself?
A person will not learn to respect the interests of others until his own opinion is taken into account. In society, there are certain rules, which one way or another have to adapt in order not to turn into an outcast. There are people who are often closed in themselves, in their environment there are more enemies than friends.
In order not to join their ranks, it is enough to understand one simple truth - you do not need to put your pride above all else, this will form a kind of negative shell that will repel people. The opinions of loved ones in importance should be equated with their own, only in this case the relationship will be strong and reliable.