What To Do When Mom And Husband Hate Each Other

What To Do When Mom And Husband Hate Each Other
What To Do When Mom And Husband Hate Each Other

Conflict in the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law is quite common. Most young couples have this problem. The hardest thing is for a woman who finds herself between two fires: between her own mother and her beloved husband.

Between husband and mother
Between husband and mother

Modern mother-in-law and mother-in-law believe that their grown-up children are still unreasonable in life matters, and they certainly need parental help. Caring mothers help their daughters to sort out family life, which entails a lot of problems.

A mother-in-law for a son-in-law is an outsider. A man has his own mother, and attempts by a stranger to get into his personal life provoke irritation. The husband conveys his moods to his wife, who is forced to seek compromises in this situation.

How to reconcile mom and husband

In order to end the mutual claims of mother and husband once and for all, you need to sit them down at the negotiating table. The woman should also be present during this conversation. Family relations experts recommend inviting an outsider to the conversation so that the clarification of the relationship does not go beyond the reasonable. In addition, a disinterested person can express their opinion on the current situation, which will help mom and husband look at their conflicts with different eyes.

Each side of the conflict (mother, daughter and husband) must express everything that they do not like. If there is a desire to improve relations, claims made out loud will significantly improve the situation. In a good scenario, the husband and mother will find a compromise that suits everyone.

A woman caught between two fires must abandon her position by any means to reconcile loved ones. After all, mother and husband are not small children, but adults and conscious people who themselves must understand the absurdity of their insults and reproaches.

What to do if the hatred of mom and husband is stronger than common sense

When a truce is out of the question, you need to act dramatically. The family must change their place of residence in order to be away from mom. Love at a distance only grows stronger, and all insults are quickly forgotten, mom and husband can even make friends if they live far from each other and see each other only on holidays.

However, you don't need to forget your mother, of course. The daughter should pay attention to the mother by all means. Let there be short telephone conversations, but every day. You can teach your mother computer literacy and communicate with her on the Internet. A mother is the most dear person for her daughter, but this does not mean that she has the right to break the family life of her child. The daughter should gently but demandingly identify the areas of her life in which the mother is allowed to participate. It will be difficult to convey this to the mother. But this is the only way to maintain good relations between loved ones.
