What To Do If You Are Tired Of Each Other

What To Do If You Are Tired Of Each Other
What To Do If You Are Tired Of Each Other

With the beginning of married life, the newlyweds enjoy spending time together and lovingly look at all the shortcomings. But after a while, irritation, a desire to be alone, and frequent quarrels may appear. Do not be afraid, you are simply emotionally tired of each other, and this can be solved.

What to do if you are tired of each other
What to do if you are tired of each other

Learn to communicate

Sometimes quarrels and disagreements can arise literally from scratch, mainly due to misunderstandings. For example, if you are hot-tempered but quickly withdraw, explain this to your partner. Then he will not be perplexed because of your violent reaction to the end of milk. When your emotions subside, walk up to him and apologize. But come up with a way to highlight serious situations so that he does not mistake the emergency for simple emotionality.

Find common interests and topics of discussion. Remember what united you at the beginning of the relationship, what you talked about then and what you did. Try to resume these conversations, although there may be awkward pauses at first. Find out and tell your partner interesting news about yourself and your loved ones, about your achievements or dreams.

Spend time outside of a couple. Everyone should have their own time, which they can spend on their hobbies and socializing with friends. So you can relax and, possibly, miss your loved one. It is not even necessary to leave the apartment, it is enough to spend time in different rooms for your favorite activities.

Take a break from everyday routine

Think back to the candy-flower stage of your relationship when you were out and about and enjoying each other's company. Then there was no need to argue about unwashed dishes or lack of money. Set aside 1 or 2 days a month to get away from petty adversity. Just put your chores aside, dress nicely, and go on a date. Doing so can rejuvenate your senses, take a break from routine, and relieve emotional fatigue.

If the husband and wife work on an equal footing, separate household responsibilities. After a hard day, everyone wants to rest, and if you divide things equally, you can finish faster and enjoy your vacation together.

Go on vacation. On the one hand, a change of environment will help you relax, but on the other hand, you and your spouse can renew your relationship. If the fatigue is strong, you can go to one place, but choose different hotels. Then you will meet only by mutual agreement, spend a little time together without bothering each other.

If all else fails, seek help from a psychotherapist. He will be able to evaluate your couple, find an approach to each of you and help in communication. Suggest ways to solve your problem. Do not be afraid or ashamed of such a step, because it is better to try all the ways. Sometimes it may not be a matter of simple fatigue, but something much more serious. Do not start your relationship, and then they can be saved.
