How Can A Mother Wean A Baby From Breastfeeding?

How Can A Mother Wean A Baby From Breastfeeding?
How Can A Mother Wean A Baby From Breastfeeding?

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At 1, 5-2 years old, nursing mothers are faced with the problem of how to wean the baby from breastfeeding. Some babies are quietly weaned, but others strongly refuse to part with it. It happens that the baby practically does not drink his mother's milk, but continues to demand breast.

How can a mother wean a baby from breastfeeding?
How can a mother wean a baby from breastfeeding?


Step 1

First of all, mom needs to learn that she herself determines the moment when breastfeeding should be phased out. You don't need to check any development calendars, look back at others, and rely on your mom's experience. Only you decide that the time has come. And if you have already begun to wean your baby from breastfeeding, then go all the way. Because a lot of not brought to mind attempts will negatively affect the condition of the child.

Step 2

To make it easier for a child to give up breastfeeding, he does not need to be limited in it. Feed your baby on demand. Some babies associate their mother's milk with caring in general. Therefore, babies need to be taken in their arms more often, and if they cannot sleep without their mother, take them to themselves. Satisfied with affection, love and care, the baby will be sure that he will have all this without breast milk.

Step 3

With some children, the focus is with brilliant green on the chest or plasters on the nipples. Mom says that she is ill, that there will be no more milk, and the baby accepts it easily. Other mothers leave their children for 2-3 days with their fathers or grandmothers so that they have to stop sucking. But for some babies, this period makes a deep impression. Suddenly left without a mother, they are very worried and upset. In severe cases, they may even withdraw and ignore the parent, and they will have to rebuild relationships and establish contact with their own child.

Step 4

A softer way is to part with the child only for the night. Spend the day together and sleep separately at night. Indeed, at the end of the breastfeeding period, the baby resorts to the breast at most at night. If you sleep together, give your baby a teat or cup of regular milk instead of breast milk.
