How To Painlessly Wean Your Baby From Breastfeeding

How To Painlessly Wean Your Baby From Breastfeeding
How To Painlessly Wean Your Baby From Breastfeeding

There can be many reasons for not breastfeeding. The child has grown up, it is necessary to go to work, it is necessary to take medications … But the child does not understand even the most valid reasons. How to make sure that parting with your mother's breast passes with minimal losses?

How to painlessly wean your baby from breastfeeding
How to painlessly wean your baby from breastfeeding

If circumstances allow you, it is better to wait until the period of involution, when milk leaves naturally. This occurs in the period from 1.5 to 3 years. Lack of milk gradually moves the baby away from the breast.

Step by step

In this matter, “gradually” is the key word. I do not advise you to make sudden movements or leave for another city, leaving the child with grandparents, as some mothers advise. Why? These recipes are powerful, but too painful for a child. Not only does he lose one of the most enjoyable activities, so his mother, who was always there, disappears in an incomprehensible direction.

So, first, reduce the number of feedings to 2 times a day. For example, before lunchtime and before bedtime. After 1-2 weeks, reduce breastfeeding to 1 time per night. After another two weeks, stop feeding at night.

At this time, you need to keep a cup or bottle of milk or water close at hand. Some brew chamomile overnight, which has a calming effect. The child may refuse the bottle, but seeing that there is no alternative, agrees to the proposed drink.

In order to cool down the craving for the chest, women go to different tricks: they cover their breasts with a plaster, smear them with brilliant green, a decoction of wormwood, or something bitter or spicy. If your toddler is persistent, you can try one of these methods.

When the baby demands breast, be firm in your decision. Try to distract his attention with a toy, a fairy tale, an interesting game. If all else fails, let him cry for a few minutes. When the baby realizes that this is not helping, he calms down.

For lovely mothers

It is important for mothers to take care of themselves. Breast tightening is quite harmful and dangerous for a woman's health, and pills to reduce lactation are not affordable for everyone. You can reduce your milk production by stopping breastfeeding and pumping when your breasts are full. The main thing is to express some milk, just to relieve discomfort. Reducing the amount of liquid drunk and sage broth helps in this matter.

At this time, your child especially needs your attention and affection. More often take the child in your arms, hug, kiss, play, read books. The weaning process is not parting with the mother, but another small step towards independent living.
