Bathing is a pleasure for all babies. It should be remembered that there are simple hygiene rules for girls, the observance of which will avoid unnecessary troubles. The rest of the bathing process is the same as for boys.

It is necessary
- - bath for bathing;
- - potassium permanganate, herbal decoctions;
- - baby shampoo;
- - towel.
Step 1
It is necessary to pour water at a temperature of 37–37, 5 ° C into the baby bath, if necessary add a decoction of medicinal herbs (chamomile - for the healing of the umbilical wound, succession - for skin rashes) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate prepared in a separate container.
Step 2
Take the child in your arms so that the left palm is under the back of the head and neck, the right palm is under the baby's knees and gently lower the girl into the water. The first bathing lasts several minutes, gradually the bathing time increases to 10–20 minutes. The baby is washed at the end of the bath.
Step 3
A newborn girl should be washed gently, pouring a small amount of water onto the shoulders, chest and head of the child, thoroughly rinsing the area behind the ears, armpits, and all folds. Use soap and bath products no more than 2 times a week.
Step 4
The last step is to wash the newborn girl from front to back. It is not recommended to use soap for washing up to a year. In the process of bathing, the mucus that accumulates in the girl's labia is soaked and removed arbitrarily, so no additional manipulations need to be carried out so as not to disturb the microflora of the baby's intimate zone.
Step 5
After bathing, place the baby on his belly on the forearm and rinse with warm water from a dipper, pouring it on the girl's back.
Step 6
Wrap the baby in a terry towel and pat dry the skin with a dabbing motion.
Step 7
After bathing, treat the umbilical wound, clean the nose and ears, lubricate the child's body with baby oil. Lubricate the girl's genitals with boiled vegetable oil.
Step 8
Every time you change a diaper and after a bowel movement, you need to wash the newborn girl under running water from front to back, drawing water into the palm of your hand. Make sure that the feces do not fall into the girl's genital opening. Dry the crotch area well with a towel, rub talcum powder and put on a clean diaper.